Films on Netflix

I’m thoroughly enjoying US Netflix through my VPN at the moment - watched almost 4 seasons of 30 Rock in 5 weeks or so. Yes, I have a very busy social life. Also watched Fed Up the other day which is a very illuminating look at the food industry and ‘the obesity epidemic’.

Netflix is genuinely missing out by not having an adult film service though, they could charge £2-3 extra a month and you could have unlimited access to porn with good production value! Just imagine fellas (and Lou)…

Babadook. It’s an Australian horror movie that I don’t know if I like or not! It was kind of OK…I wanted to murder the annoying kid in it many times over. One of those movies I am glad I watched, but wasted my time…I don’t recommend it, but I think you should watch it. I guess what I’m saying is that you should only watch it if you don’y value your waking hours, but want to see something you will remember for whatever reason.

That would be great, I’ve been really struggling to find any porn on the internet.

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Facebook feed would be awesome too. “Such and such has just watched Reverse Equestrianism 5 : All Hay, No Neigh”.

Originally posted by @SuperMikey

Netflix is genuinely missing out by not having an adult film service though, they could charge £2-3 extra a month and you could have unlimited access to porn with @good-production-value! Just imagine fellas (and Lou)…

Who gives a shit about production values? Fucking hell - when I was a kid you’d be chuffed if your hedge found porn wasn’t rain damaged. Kids these days…production values indeed…some things need to be left to the imagination (like how hairy Tracey from Wokingham’s growler really is etc etc)

Mounting Sixteen Hands and Sweating in the Paddock.

I like my porn to have good editing, what can I say.

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Oh yeah baby, oh yeah… on the face! on the face!!

Here goes then bitch take tha…(edited)

Over thirty seconds a waste, Super Michael?

Looper - on Netherlands Netflix, and maybe others. I really enjoyed it, particularly the ending. Time travel yarn set in the near future, with some decent performances. The kid actor in it is very good and the time travel mechanic is very well used.

I usually watch the rest of it just for the story :blush:

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Nightcrawler is on Dutch Netflix. Excellent film.

I love Braquo. Not surprising as the shield is in my top 5 series of all time. In fact on the 'other" forum I hid behind vic mackey as my name.


Caught a couple of movies on UK Netflix which I haven’t seen before. Gone, Baby, Gone has Ben Affleck behind the camera, and concerns the investigation of a child that has gone missing from a single mother household.

The other movie was Margin Call, a window into the world of finance on one of its worst days.

Both films are morality tales. Gone, Baby, Gone presents its leads with some very difficult choices. I’d expect viewers to be as conflicted as I was about those choices by film’s end, but that’s kind of the point. Margin Call is about how a firm was prepared to throw the world’s financial system under a bus, as long as they weren’t underneath the wheels.

Both solid 8/10s.