Has the Brexit argument been effectively won so

This World War 3 business has got me worried - although now I’m over 40 it will be all you young’uns who will have to go over the top.

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Great, you oldies fuck up again and it’s us paying for it as always!


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Well if by some miracle you do survive the hail of machine gun fire, you can look forward to shitting on the generation below.


Why would you send Muslims there when most are originally from South Asia? Seems unfair and undemocratic my boy.

Can somebody please make two lists side by side one for Brexit and one for Braying so we can compare apples and oranges.


No fucking clue No fucking clue

Lots of good things Lots of bad things

Lots of bad things Lots of good things


tks gay that’s cleared it all up for me


As someone that questioned the very legitimacy of this thread from the outset, I have to say that I’ve changed my tune.

I’ve been reading some of the news reports this morning. Fair play.

The scaremongering comes at a particularly bad time, really. Last week should have illustrated that the public isn’t necessarily going to swallow every story with a smile. Cameron’s warnings about war are a particular highlight, perhaps ignoring the fact that the UK has managed to get itself into wars perfectly well within the EU. Didn’t stop us from getting into Iraq.

The comments being directed at Boris Johnson are wide of the mark too. The EU did fuck up massively in Ukraine, but even if it didn’t, UK voters should know that our border ends a long way off Dover as part of this union.


The War thing made me laugh. The UKs long tradition of European peace-making and campaigning against war, must’ve passed me by.


Even when we exit we should still leave the border police in Calais and maybe even increase the frontier a little bit to include the rest of France as it naturallly should be.


I think that part of Calais is technically British soil anyway, so I would expect that arrangement to remain in place.

The second part of your plan seems far fetched, but history has shown that if you roll into Paris with Panzers and threaten to blow up their lovely buildings, they surrender pretty damn quick.


Aggressive postering concerning the EU and Russia certainly didn’t help the Crimea issue and what did the EU do to help democracy there?

The Balkans?

The refugees being passed back to Turkey to appease the Germans?

Greece in turmoil and getting worse by the day.

How much unbiased reporting is being given to that?

The EU is an undemocratic regime and the excuse “its not great but” is wearing thin and frankly and limp answer, we’re better than that and so are 1st World European Nations.

Calais was the brightest jewel in the English crown.

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Not sure I want Calais back now - It’s a fucking shithole.

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Actually if we are going to annex some of France, how about Ile de Re

Very nice, especially that little town Ars en Re. Flat as a witches tit too, so could be easily taken from the CESM.

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What’s wrong with a super state? Better than having a rubbish state, that’s what I say.

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Ah Boris. That harmless little buffoon eh. Having Jacob Rees-Mogg defending him. That man also gets way too much air time.