If Sotonians were

Just get warned Bletch you big girl

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I actually had the idea in my mind around a couple of obvious picks (pap as Lofty, cough, cough) but had to do quite a bit of research.

The Sergeant Major character has to be one of the best in British sit-coms.

I have to say that, PC concerns aside, I really enjoyed the reminiscing.

I wish we could still take the piss out of Asians without the sandal-wearing, mung-bean-munching liberal elite looking down their noses at us.


It’s fine. They love it in the Indian when you use a comedy accent when ordering.


Hey Bletch, if you like It Aint Alf Hot Mum you’ll love this other little-known sitcom that ITV made.

It was called Love Thy Neighbour, it was fucking hilarious, and when you look at it now, it’s really stood the test of time.



And if you get bored of that, Mind Your Language is a belter.


Jim Davidson is probably on tour as well.


with the Black and White Minstrels.


If Sotonians were Austin Powers:

Austin Powers: Bletch, of course - who else could it be? Yes, he’ll need a wig, and he’ll certainly have to tone down his dress sense, but other than that he’ll be just fine.

Dr Evil: Bletch again, naturally. Not only does this sticck with the original casting, it’s an easier role for Bletch to play. No wig required, so he can retain his natural look. Clothes could be a problem, but I think he could be persuaded that the Kim Jong-Un look is really in this year.

Mini-Me: you probably all thought I’d be casting pap here, but that would be very wrong. No, it’s Bletch once again. The resemblance is extraordinary. The camera could make Alan Ladd a leading man (with the help of a box for him to stand on here and there), so it can shrink Bletch every bit as effectively as ice-cold water shrinks the scrotum.

I’m sure Bletch was hoping for Lou, but the part of Miss Kensington will be played by either pap (or possibly by me in my 1978 guise). pap will be able to keep his glasses on, though he’ll need to have a good shave.


Chutney Ferret, Frau Farbissina, at least on Brexit.

“Lies! All lies!”

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Pap :lou_wink:


Yeah baby!

Fat Bastard : Toke (he’s scotch too)

Big Fat Bob : Random Task - Shaped like an oxo cube and is strong and silent. Also is a sex offender in real life.


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Ok – I’ll have a go - If Sotonians were ‘ Lord of the Rings ’….

Context – I see SaintsWeb as basically Modor, with Steve Grant as Sauron (the disembodied eye - ‘I’m watching you’) and most regular posters as orcs, nazgul and most definitely trolls

Pap then, would surprisingly not be the dwarf, but Frodo – travels far, on a quest. Gets it done against the odds. Hairy toes too probably

Bletch would be Bilbo – likes sitting at home admiring his ring, but gets out for parties. Or possibly Tom Bombadil – an annoying wordsmith with a strange taste in music

Fowllyd would be Elrond – a thousand years old but looks twenty-nine. Everyone nods at his wisdom but really they can’t understand the incomprehensible bollocks he’s talking

SO5 would be Gandalf. A tall, wise, magician. Hint of grey in the beard

Ant would be the younger hobbits. Would probably stay in the ‘Prancing Pony’ at Bree while the rest trekked to Modor to save Middle Earth

JGXRSaint would be Aragon – probably born to rule but needs a proper job first

Coxford Lou? Hmmm – most women in LOTR are dippy soft-focus elves. She’d be Eowyn (had to look that one up) – the one who fights (or at least argues - Lou – if you read this - was Hillary a good candidate or not? Lights blue touchpaper….)

Goatboy? Legolas. Looks nothing like an elf but the clue’s in the name


Who throws a shoe?