Is Alan Partridge funny

Barry’s cultural references end some time in the early 90s.

We have top men working on an exact date. Top. Men.*

* Barry should be fine with this cultural reference.

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Not if you are about 7 years old.

Ask one (a kid not Paul or Barry*) and they’ll put you right

The kids would call you a comedy philistine - 1) if they could actually say it & 2) they knew what the word meant…


*Not our Barry

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When I was a kid it was all about Trevor and Simon. The Chuckle Bros were weak.


Alan Partridge Yep

Steve Coogan Meh

Now they’re a blast from the past!

Haven’t heard about them for a long time

I take it they haven’t been banged up for kiddy-fiddling or suchlike? Any idea what they’re up to now?

Comedy is completely subjective, so OP’s thread title should be “I don’t find Alan Partridge funny”.

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I would argue that he’s one of the most complex and well rounded characters not only in British TV comedy but in TV.

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But as you said Ted, Comedy is subjective.

I’m almost (I am) honour-bound to disagree with your statement



Whatever …


Ted, subjectively speaking, that wasn’t funny

But, putting my fucktard head on, it was soooo funny I pissed my pants…a lot…you’re brilliant…


Love Alan Partridge, very funny program. He is cringeworthy yes, but boy it is funny.

Yes from me, still watch it now and makes my laugh out loud!


subjectively speaking, that wasn’t funny

But, putting my fucktard head on, it was soooo funny I pissed my pants…a lot…you’re brilliant…


I don’t understand this? anyone help?

Nope not a titter to be found.

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It was a big yes vote from me. I enjoy it because the character is obviously a twat (who is oblivious to the fact that he is a twat) and you can enjoy his attempts at success but ultimate failure. But he is mostly harmless* so I don’t begrudge him his infrequent and generally insignificant victories. I am invested in this character having watched his evolution over the years, but not so much that I am happy to admit that I thought ‘Alpha Papa’ was shit, and the second series of ‘I’m Alan Partridge’ was lacking something. Highlights for me are series 1 of ‘I’m Alan Partridge’, and his Countdown to World Cup 94’.

Overall rating 8/10. Goooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaalllll!

*Nerdy reference for you nerds out there :lou_wink_2:


I love Ricky Gervais as a stand up and his podcasts. Easily my favourite comedian. Yet I couldn’t care less about The Office, Derek etc etc.


If someone makes you laugh then thats great, same with music its what you like :laughing:


Who invented the skip?

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Please don’t compare that shit to Partridge.

Originally posted by @Chertsey-Saint

Who invented the skip?

Which one?

The one you hire that your neighbours fill up for you.


the jumping over a rope one?

Should this be in the Ask Redslo or MLG threads?

Who invented the skip?

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