Is Russia about to resolve the Syrian crisis?

White Helmets - Syrian Civil Defence, not what happens to your glans when you hold your dick too hard.

NGO - non-government organisation.



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According to the video, they’re not the Syrian Civil Defence. They’re murdering them.


The Battle of Aleppo is basically over.

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The White Helmets are not what they seem., They are a CIA sponsored and financed propoganda organisation. To the tune of 100 million bucks. The USA are mightily pissed off that the Russian and Syrian state forces are kicking their ISIS patsie’s arses in Syria, showing the USA and, shamefully, UK poodles up for what they are. IE, perfectly willing to sponsor, arm and support Al Qaeda head chopping Jihadists just as long as they help them achieve their aims, ie, overthrow the legitimate government in Syria. They know full well that the legitimate government of Assad would be replaced by the head choppers, but they really don’t care, the ends justify the means as far as they are concerned, just as long as the oil pipeline which they crave will become a reality. The idea that the USA and their poodles are concerned about innocent civilians is laughable. We, ie, the USA and shamefully the UK are there illegally, the Russians, a long time ally, were invited in by the legitimate government to help defend them from outside forces trying to overthrow the government and replace it with Islamic jihadists, Al Qaeda and the like, who never mind were responsible for the Twin Towers atrocity, they are our terrorists now. All the bullshit about a civil war is just that, bullshit. It is estimated that there are fighters from over 90 different countries fighting to overthrow the legitimate government in Syria. From all over the world, UK included, funded and armed by our government and the USA. How can that possibly be a ‘civil war’? Absolute bullshit. Just last month the USA supplied ‘Rebels’ with surface to air missiles, in order to shoot down Syrian State Forces. The last time the Yanks airdropped weapons to these ‘Rebels’, they all ended up in the hands of ISIS fighters. Giving them the means to shoot down civilian airliners once they are driven out of Aleppo. Nice one US! Of course the refugees fleeing ISIS will all end up on Europe’s shores, the US don’t have to worry about it, they are thousands of miles away. It was ever thus, When was the last time the USA fought a war and dropped bombs on anyone when there was a chance of getting some back? I rest my case.


Well, along with that, you’ve got the oil finds in the Golan Heights, still legally part of Syria, occupied by Israel.

Assad going away sorts many of those concerns. I’m sure whatever head-chopping extremist government would be only too happy to oblige.

We should stay out of all foriegn exploits under the guise of freedom and democracy.Let them win their freedom we can’t force freedom and democracy on someone, it has to be wanted by all and fought for, ours was.

Stay out of foreign conflicts, we only get called colonialists by the sandal wearers anyway, the West can’t and won’t win on this, save money and stay out.

On a lighter note my boy was born on Sunday and I couldn’t be happier.


Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

We should stay out of all foriegn exploits under the guise of freedom and democracy.Lets them win their freedom we can’t force freedom and democracy on someone, it has to be wanted by all and fought for, ours was.

Stay out of foreign conflicts, we onlly get called colonialists by the sandal wearers anyway, the West can’t and won’t win on this, save money and stay out.

On a lighter note my boy was born on Sunday and I couldn’t be happier.

Many congratulations mate!


Congratulations Barry!!!


I liked every part of that Barry post. Mark the day!

I think a big part of the problem is the way our political elites have handled us. I’m sure that many of the classically-read buggers fell into the conceit that the US was the new Rome, and we were the new Greeks, mentoring them as they took the world stage. In reality, it has been a long time since we’ve defied their foreign policy will. Thatcher, I shudder to say, might have been the last, although we were notable absentees from Vietnam too.

These days, we’re being led by the nose, aligned to a set of foreign policy objectives that are never explicitly stated, but all too clear for anyone that fancies looking. Forget what’s being said. What’s actually happened in the last fourteen years has been the West systematically destabilising an entire region, creating a refugee crisis and then having the fucking gall to turn its back on it.

The aim has always been the same. Break up power bases perceived as hostile to the West, balkanising the region and ensuring that anyone left in place is pliable, reliable and a good purchaser of weapons. The aim is to leave Israel the dominant military power and the only sane state in the region, as mad as that fucking sounds.

Some good rants guys thanks for those.

Post move, been sorting stuff out & found photos of Aleppo & Palmyra. Continues to break my heart and thousands suffer for “neoconservative geopolitical aims”


Reading some of the news reports today, Western media appropriately has the shrill tone of the Wicked Witch of the West getting doused with a bucket of water.

Without seeking to diminish any of the suffering in the conflict, it’s fair to say that all parties in the Syrian War have caused suffering. Also fair to term that last sentence a euphemised understatement. Reading the reports today, which seem to exclusively focus on the suffering that Syrian/Russian forces have caused, you might get the impression that our boys and girls have been gallant paladins, paragons of virtue that only kill bad guys and cause no harm to innocents.

The truth is a lot murkier. For decades now, it has been more usual for the US to exert its foreign policy through proxies. Saudi is doing a lot of the same things, as do places like Iran. The unholy alliance of Western imperialist interests and the House of Saud means that between all parties, they had some pretty nasty proxies. This was not news. Back in 2013 when Parliament was trying to get us to put boots on the ground, we knew that the “rebels” we’d be fighting with included Al-Qaeda. The situation was ridiculous then.

In many ways, it’s easier to hold up the 2013 example of how messed up this is.

To recap, the urgency to go into Syria was because the Syrian government was alleged to have used chemical weapons. Six months earlier, Obama had explicitly stated that the use of chemical weapons was a redline that would guarantee Western military intervention.

At the time of the attack, the Syrian army was winning back territory, on the slow crawl to where we are today. Forget any dodgy links. It simply made no strategic sense. Assad was winning; Western intervention was the one thing that could prevent victory. Why on earth would Assad have done the one thing to guarantee Western participation?

The West were utterly checkmated by Putin’s diplomatic intervention, which lets not forget, destroyed an entire country’s stock of chemical weapons under the supervision of the UN. Long-term Russian involvement has led to the eventual defeat of the West’s allies.

Say what you want about Russian intervention or the Syrian government’s efforts to re-establish its territorial integrity. If there are war crimes that can be prosecuted on any side, that should happen, but the mission of the Syrians and Russians was broadly legal. Assad is head of the legitimate government. The Russians were there legally at the invitation of that government.

That is far more than can be said for the murky network of fucking head choppers the West funded to do its dirty regime change work for them.

It’s almost as if we’ve learned no lessons from the blowback of the proxy war against the then-Soviets in Afghanistan.


Post of the year Pap.



The BBC coverage today was horrendous.

Even when Syrian citizens stated that they were glad that Assad/Russia appeared to be winning the battle for Aleppo, the radio ‘presenter’ sounded astonished.

Yes you fuckwit, the West’s intervention has sucked that much shit.


Which BBC “presenter” as you put it? Anna Foster?

TV or Radio?

Originally posted by @pap

It’s almost as if we’ve learned no lessons from the blowback of the proxy war against the then-Soviets in Afghanistan.

You actually think they give a shit about learning lessons?

The BBC are under such strict guidelines. Everything has to be doublechecked and passed by a legal person.

Where were those guidelines when this happened, eh? Answer me that.

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Obviously that one slipped by the legal person :laughing:

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And this one sadly

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