Is the press still the guardian of democracy?

I feel for ya pap, it’s a worthwhile discussion, but sadly you’ve pretty much just recruited the muppet show so far.

FWIW it’s hard to see how the press can be guardians of democracy when they are so beholden to scumbags like Murdoch or people donating to UKIP.

it’s mostly rich folk trying to distract the plebs from the fact that it’s them messing up their lives.

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That was Pap’s recruitment policy to be fair, therefore you get people like lou and bear spamming up serious discussions.

I will stay off Pap lounge for while to let the serious discousion develop. In the meantime, you have to recruit some bores to argue with. I will come back to spam up next week.


As I understood it the press have never been the Guardians of Democracy, more like the Guardians of Society exposing wrong doing. It is in that that they are failing.

The press has always been able to sway public opinion as to what party to vote for so the Guardians of Democracy? I think not!

What’s Barry Sanchez up to these days?

Granted he’s no Verbal; nevertheless, I used to enjoy his run-ins with Pap.

Plus, he was about the only person who ever laughed at my jokes.

Good point:

  1. Recruit all TSW rejects.

Hmmm, perhaps not ALL of them, Lou :blush:

This place should have a ‘no sad spamming fucks’ policy. So no Hypo or Turkish please.

Is SueWhistle on here yet? I like her - she should be on here.

I did proposition her with the idea on Saturday. Still no SueWhistle. Must be losing my touch :slight_smile:

Unless TheCholulaKid is Sue Whistle? Sounds a bit suspicious to me…doesn’t like Turkish…likes Sue…

I’m not sure the ‘doesn’t like Turkish…likes Sue…’ club is too exclusive. Not if you are of sound mind at least.

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So who is TheCholulaKid ?,

TheCholulaKid is the owner of a ginger tom that needs neutering sharpish. Caught him pissing in the sink twice today which is either clever or digusting (but probably both).