Is this site morphing?

Is pap at Glastonbury?

This seems like the ideal time for the Soviet-in-waiting to show us what they think the direction of the site should be… while the cat’s away…

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Nobody knows who is on the Soviet.

Also Bearsy has fucked off to foreign climes so there’s no wind up threads going on.

Fuck that Bob, Ostrich has a point. Hand over the coding keys bletch, this is a hi-jack!

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should you not have addressed it to Mr Schitt if you wanted to say hello?

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It is difficult to portray The Wire style gangster intonation on a forum, sometimes a hyphen helps that. Ay-right?

Corbyn told me to be.

I’ll have you know I work honestly and decently for my £8 an hour at the callcentre, and every now and then cook dinner for my parents! Unemployable? Pah!



My son finished his GCSEs last week and walked into a summer job paying the same, £8 per hour - cash in hand though.

I guess you win because he’s a lazy bugger and wouldn’t cook dinner for his aged folks though.


You’re both winners.

Mine has also just finished her GCSEs, but has informed me that she has no intention of working for the 3(yes 3) months she has off. I even offered her work.

Oh, she would laugh in my face if i asked her to cook for me.


All joking aside you want to be careful with that. Is he getting payslips and everything (so many dodgy callcentres out there)? Do make sure its all above board as (whilst I don’t want to scare you), you do hear the odd horror story about people being screwed over on things like references and vetting when real jobs come around for things like ‘illegal work’ etc.

Oh and by the way, weren’t all you lot objecting the charge that you’re a bunch of middle-class, middle-class, well-off so-and-sos? Yet here you all are citing your 16-year-old children who can afford not to work over a three-month summer holiday? :lou_lol:

What do you constitute as well off? Because I don’t think I am.

lol there’s no answer to that question that won’t piss people off one way or another.

£70k a year?

*runs away*

p.s. 3 month Summer holidays were the norm for me as a schoolboy and I would strongly advocate working at a racecourse if there’s one nearby - £80 a day plus tips and no tax. 5-8 days work over the course of that summer and some judicious scrounging off the parental units and one is frightfully rolling in readies at 15 :+1:


Middle-class? More mug-class.

While my daughter is swanning around enjoying herself(here and abroad) i will be working to pay for it.

Today i will be mostly laying bricks. How very middle-class.


I didnt think that you were bothered about pissing people off? :lou_wink: I have three kids. Two in uni and one in 6th form college. All three have part time jobs.

Soft touch SoS! When I finished my GCSEs my folks said that if I wanted to do something that cost money, then I’d have to earn it myself. I got through a lot of handjobs that summer, but apparently it ‘built character’.


When I were nipper, after my ‘O’ levels and whilst I was doing my ‘A’ levels I had a Saturday job at Safeway, contracted for 4.5 hours a week at £2.50 ph (IIRC).

During the school holidays I used to do 35 hours a week. My Mum took 50% of my take home as “board and lodgings”.

Strangely, when I turned 18 and Safeway would have had to up my pay quite significantly they found the flimsiest excuse to get rid of me (I had some peanuts from a ripped bag of peanuts, I didn’t run naked through a wheat field!!). My dad went ballistic so I went to Gateway and got a job there instead.

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“I didnt think that you were bothered about pissing people off?”

Oh I should like to get on with everyone like a house on fire if I could. Who wouldn’t want to be agreeable and get on with people and whatnot?

I remember my first appearance here was about a year ago when I said I’d voted to leave the European Union as tighter controls on immigration would result in wage increases for the lowest paid workers in society, as described by Professor Ha-Joon Chang of Cambridge and admitted by former Marks and Spencer chief executive Lord Rose who was a prominent figure in the Remain campaign.

I tried to be as polite and civilised as I could, explaining that it simply wasn’t in my interest to vote to Remain and that whilst one might make the argument that I ought to vote unselfishly, should the burden of sacrifice really fall on the lowest-paid members of society who are struggling the most? After all, isn’t the whole idea of left-wing politics to support those at the bottom of the ladder?

But no. All of a sudden, a board full of peace-and-love lefties who suddenly, in an instant, performed a complete 180 and transformed into the most ruthless stereotype of Thatcherite libertarians that they supposedly stand in total opposition to; more-or-less saying that the poor deserve to be poor and that any low=paid worker failing to vote for more competition, less workers’ rights and lower pay and so on thoroughly deserved to be right down in the shit where they belong. Predictable memes were wheeled out saying that if someone from another country could do your job without speaking the language maybe you’re just shit; literally “fuck the poor they deserve what they get”.

After pointing out that kind of naked hypocrisy, I was never going to be popular.

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Take it my efforts at inane Saints related chat are futile. Might have to run back to swf in floods of tears.


Please don’t.

Actually please do and then you can do what @themightyostrich asked me to do and bring back all the juicy gossip from SWF, I’d rather not sully my computer with a trip to the Dark Side

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