
Priority number one is Lets Be Quoting Correctly, imo.

Using search facility can come later.

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When you are on the verge of being sack (and it will happen), at the bit they say you can have a union rep or whatever, plse nominate me and Pap. Me for ideas like this and Pap as he is from the north so knows about stuff like unions. My intitial thoughts are that the whole company goes on strike until Beth proves it one way or another. However going on strike really is a union/northern/TFL kind of things so I would like Pap’s advice on the matter. We are kind of employment law dream team and for a small fee, at your service.

oh yeah lists,

erm person most likely to get sacked in 2015 -

  1. bear

  2. Ollie Murrs

  3. The northern bloke from X factor

  4. Kuman

  5. Beltch - seriously what modding has he done? I haven’t seen anyone get a decent infraction for ages.


Top 5 recurring themes of conflict in chez Pap.

Putting bin out.
The unknown fate of official documents, such as passports
Unexplained damage on the family car
What we’re having for dinner on any given evening
Whether the X-Factor is “sound” or a “big pile of capitalist fucking arse exploiting the dreams of simpletons”

Ok. I’ll avoid the Geekery ones and Soggy’s Isis recruitment drive.

See you later.

And it is almost impossible to eat one without half the contents spilling down into your lap or if you are lucky, on the table.

It’s hugely variable. I often get a brekkie from the one by Liverpool’s bus station and there’s never any bother. There’s a drivethru closer to us where they just do not give a fuck.

The product is tepid, the cheese looks like a waxwork. I’ve always found it interesting that of all the food chains to make the transition over here, it’s the ones the Americans consider close to dirt that are the most successful.

Fuck I must be middle class… :lou_facepalm_2:

I can’t remember when I last had any “mechanically recovered meat product”, ate out of a plastic tray, used anything but metal cutlery and drank from a mug with a plastic lid.

Am I missing anything…is it getting better or worse…I need to know.

Stick to Vesta curries John.

Originally posted by @Goatboy

Stick to Vesta curries John.

Yep…you can’t beat the real thing. Used to have one of those a week when we were first married Matt…a little bit of luxury :lou_lol:

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Whoa you and Matt are married, who knew!!


Top five things not to do when hung over

1 exercise

2 be anywhere kids

3 be on a boat

4 expect sympathy from the Ayatollah

5 try to drink your way out of the situation


OOOh, sultanas. Exotic!

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Originally posted by @Goatboy

Originally posted by @lifeintheslowlane

Originally posted by @Goatboy

Stick to Vesta curries John.

Yep…you can’t beat the real thing. Used to have one of those a week when we were first married Matt…a little bit of luxury :lou_lol:

OOOh, sultanas. Exotic!

Very…5 of us took our girfriends to Spain in the early 1970s…in a rented Land Rover. First meal was a Vesta Curry on the roadside in rural France…we knew how to treat our women. :lou_lol:

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Vesta curries=Dad’s night to cook.

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I used to quite like Vesta curries - and the chinese ones with the crispy noodles.


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