Male circumsision yes or no and have you been ripped off

Unless rule one applies to that thread :lou_lol:

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Perhaps we should have photographic evidence on this thread

Bit sexist there @tigger ?


I like to think it’s more hopeful :lou_lol:


Is a PM OK, I don’t want to embarass the other boys…


Hmmm still no pm she says disappointed…


Did this forum start out as an internet helpdesk for men with issues, or does it just naturally attract men with issues?

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Just put your feet up and get yourself comfortable and we’ll discuss it.



Sorry @tigger I was waiting for your assent before flooding your inbox with little BTripz (oerrr!)

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Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000204 EndHTML:000096764 StartFragment:000094988 EndFragment:000096672 StartSelection:000094988 EndSelection:000096668 SourceURL: surgery ‘sought by girls as young as nine’ - BBC News <!-- [if (lt IE 9) & (!IEMobile)]>

&lt;link href=“” rel=“stylesheet”&gt;

Girls as young as nine are seeking surgery on their genitals because they are distressed by its appearance, the Victoria Derbyshire show has been told.

Dr Naomi Crouch, a leading adolescent gynaecologist, said she was concerned GPs were referring rising numbers of young girls who wanted an operation.

Labiaplasty, as the surgery is known, involves the lips of the vagina being shortened or reshaped.

The NHS says it should not be carried out on girls before they turn 18.

In 2015-16, more than 200 girls under 18 had labiaplasty on the NHS. More than 150 of the girls were under 15.

Some experts fear that pornography and images viewed through social media are leading young girls to have unrealistic perceptions of how their genitals should look.

‘Very upsetting’

Dr Crouch, who chairs the British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology, said in her work for the NHS she was yet to see a girl who needed the operation.

“Girls will sometimes come out with comments like, ‘I just hate it, I just want it removed,’ and for a girl to feel that way about any part of her body - especially a part that’s intimate - is very upsetting.”

That is a very bad state of affairs to get in

I understand if people are unhappy with their body but below basically 16 they are still growing / developing so any changes made will change as they get older which means they may not like what they have already done.

what doctor would sanction cosmetic surgery on an underage person.

My other self is saying these people need persons telling them that their genitals are beautiful as they are.

But that’s the trouble isn’t it @philippinesaint they see all these beautiful lady parts on the free porn channels and think that theirs should look like that too.

There was a documentary a while ago about girls having this sort of surgery, one girl said she was having it done because the other girls were taking the mickey out of the length of her labia, said it was destroying her confidence.

Very, very sad if you ask me.


One question

Why does she keep showing off her fanny?

IIRC it was an ex-boyfriend that spilt the beans to her “mates”

Dirty fucker, spilling his beans everywhere.


The trouble is that porn is so accessible that kids see these people who arent “normal” and think that is what they need to look like. It doesnt help if their so called mates take the mickey. It is truly awful to hear of young girls who want this operation done - worse when doctors dont try and talk them out of it.

An extension of celeb “culture”, Cosmo magazine or any other media outlet designed to increase neurosis in females about their appearance.

Talking of extensions and porn, i still haven’t quite got over seeing that well known adult entertainer Peter North in action on screen and realising his manhood was a fraction of the size of my own “yoghurt gun”. It’s a problem i’ve had to live with since.

The biggest problem with readily available porn is that kids miss that character building right of passage of buying a magazine when they are 14 / 15 years old.

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