:labour: New Old Labour in trouble

Go on then. What has she said or done that would qualify her as such?

And for a bonus question, would sir care to guess which religion she associates with?

That mural looks pretty anti-semitic from where I am sat, tbh.

Pap I gave you an answer, I’ve given you a few on this, I am not going to spoonfeed you son.

Its just a shitty piece of ‘art’ iMHO… but with any art, you have to take the artists word for what they were trying to depict. Would you say I am being anti-semitic for suggesting Glodman-Sachs or Lehmen bros are a bunch of evil twats?

Completely disagree. There’s a million ways you could portray bankers/capitalists as bad or evil. He has deliberately chosen to quite obviously ape the tropes often seen in anti-semitic propaganda for generations.

Would you say I am being anti-semitic for suggesting Glodman-Sachs or Lehmen bros are a bunch of evil twats?

Would depend on how you presented the argument. If you did so by mimicking attacks also used by anti-semties, then I probably would, yes.

I don’t know who the bankers are supposed to represent but the main imagery for me is the All Seeing Eye/Eye of Providence, which is strongly linked with the Freemasons…

The banker blokes don’t immediately strike me as Jewish caricatures, maybe I’m naive!!


KRG. Respectfully you are not great on this subject. In fact, I’d almost go as far as saying that those who criticise this for being antisemitic are applying those tropes more than the artist.

Ok, the people who see the issue are the problem? Strange argument.

What does that say about Corbyn then?

I sincerely regret that I did not look more closely at the image I was commenting on, the contents of which are deeply disturbing and anti-Semitic.

I think it says he’s under a lot of pressure from the creators of a manufactured outrage.

What would you say should happen to that mural?

Is it too big to burn, unlike a book?

In any event, I’m not addressing Corbyn. I’m addressing you. Would you like to tell us why that image is antisemitic. Which part of it is critical of Judaism or its adherents? And how do you work that out?

While you’re about it, perhaps you’d like to explain your George Soros comments the other week as well. I did seek some clarfiication. None was forthcoming.

There was me just thinking that he was not showing much control of the situation but you’re right, Pap - thanks for pointing out Corbyn’s deep-seated anti-semitism.

Anti-semitism is a strange form of racism, in that it often elevates it’s victims. The trope that Jews form some sort of secret cabal that pull the strings on an international stage and control Capitalism, own all of the banks, money media etc goes back for generations. This is why anti-semitism presents itself differently on the right to on the left. To be honest, I completely agree with everything Mr Corbyn said on the issue in his own statement, even if, as you suggest he doesn’t believe it himself. I do not think Corbyn is a racist, or an Anti-Semite. I don’t know enough about the Labour Party Membership to comment on whether they are Anti-Semitic, I’d imagine some are, but the majority probably are not.

The Mural, supposedly critiquing capitalism, has clearly and deliberately chosen to depict bankers in a way that harks back to Nazi (yes I know, Godwin) propganda of Jews - I have a hard time believing that was merely coincidental, when I actually saw the mural in the flesh some years ago, it immediately reminded me of the old propaganda photos you would see at school.

As for Soros, it’s the same thing. I’m sure you know that, which is why you have raised it here. Something being ‘Soros-funded’ has become a dog-whistle for Anti-Semitism in the places I described then.

As for what should be done with it, I dunno, don’t care.

I don’t think it has any place on public display, but that’s just my view. I think the best course of action is for it to be defaced, as it was.

OK, lets assume (and on current evidence i dont believe this is the case), the artist iS an antisemite and the stuff about a comment on capitalism being driven be these bankers, is bollocks. Corbyns initial comments were based on how he interpreted a piece of fucking art about bankers and capitalism… NOT that a bunch of ‘old Jews’ were repsonsible for the worlds ills.

I am not normally a big defender of Corbs as I feel he is often too pious for his own good, but in this case he was not being anti-semtic and should not have needed to apologise. If anything his climb down is a little ill thought. He should have stuck to his guns a restated his comments were about the nature of bankers and capitalism and attempts to slur is just an agenda driven campaign against him.

I find it sad that we cant criticise the arseholes who ‘invented’ our finacial systems that are so stacked in favour of the haves vs have nots, because quite a few of them happen to be Jewish and so such criticism MUST be anti-semitic… ffs. Its a nice and fucking easy distraction from the critism of the financial system… so not too difficult to see where the agenda lies.


Of course you can criticise bankers. I have and do do that quite regularly. We should all be more critical of bankers, imo.

Again, I said I do not think Corbyn is or was being Anti-Semitic.

I also think you can criticise bankers without using the tropes seen in the mural, which I think are anti-semitic.

I think you woudl need to know who was being depicted in those images befores determininig whetehr they are mere charictatures of key historical bankers, or some stereotypical ‘nazi’ like propoganda.

Its perhaps one of the most challenging and in some cases philosophcal debates:

Capitalism is essentially evil as it has creted unnecessary global poverty and distribution of wealth is immoral

Those responsible for it should not be ceebrated, but should be criticised fro what they have created regardless of their ethnicity, race or religion

A higher percentage of those werr by coincidence Jewish - which is irrlevent to the situation

However, should they be immune to criticism because when criticised, some see it as cementing preconceptions and racist stereotypes, because they fail to distinguish between bankers who happen to be jewish and jewish bankers…

No. The answer lies in education - the eventual errosion of remaining racism and bigotry (and a conversion of all of us to humanism)

Perhaps you can tell us why.

I stand by what I said earlier. You’re having to apply these tropes yourself to get offended. Banker’s making money off the backs of the poor is reality.

The one on the right even looks like Ghandi to me :lou_eyes_to_sky:

Don’t be racist.


If anything, the one on the right looks like Alf Garnett, which is a little ironic.


Mitchell was a Jew, what is a so objectionable about this is the stereotypical view all Jews are bankers and thats what has caused the upset, imagine if someone drew a derogatory picture of Muslim? Oh they have? What happened? Really? Fuck me.