Operation confirms suspicions

I’m trying to find a link between this photo and the original post, but I’m struggling. Is it something to do with a gash?


I hadnt thought of that but it was an excellent link! I posted the picture because our Katie is quick to judge others or pour scorn on them yet think nothing of nicking another man’s husband, and was clearly not to bothered about who saw her. I agree that my comments may have been nasty, but in context there is little I said that is any nastier than this person. I also think it is very bizarre to produce pictures of such an operation to the media. Again, just more attention seeking. Did she stop to think of the affect any of this would have on her kids?

If the point you are making is that she is a nasty piece of work and not someone you would want to have a beer with then I would say that’s proven by virtually everything she has done since arriving in the public eye. I agree you didn’t say anything nastier than what she would say but I’m not sure you are going down the right road if you are using Katie Hopkins as a morality barometer.

I wouldn’t wish a brain operation on my worst enemy, it looks and sounds horrendous.

Puts to bed any doubts as to whether we have an imposter Hypo.

But yeah, I agree. She is vile an odious, but to wish epilepsy or brain surgery on any one is 'kin low.

The point of principles is sticking by them when it is inconvenient.

And that is why I have no principles, too much like hard work.


i don’t have principles myself, but i am v.quick to criticise lack of principles in others. Get it together, cunts.


I dont think anyone here has wished this upon her. It probably wouldnt have even been an issue if she hadnt publicised the picture of her skull.

I think it mostly shows that she isnt ashamed or self conscious which is probably a positive in this instance.

In which case I shall have to dig out my old vasectomy pictures to share with you guys! :lou_wink_2:

I wish her many years of pain and suffering.

Or, as Groucho Marx put it: “Those are my principles. And if you don’t like them, I have others.”


Just to prove to us that the old Katie is still functioning, she has come out with this classic on social media -

“A child? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Looking to impress her mates by snagging a footballer. Hey presto. From sl** to wag.”


I’m still unsure what point you are making here. Everyone knows that her media persona is odious and that she says controversial things to shock and make money. Basic humanity however demands that I wish her well from her brain operation.

Just the same point. That she is a deeply unpleasant human being, whether she believes the things she says or not.

I dont think that’s ever been disputed.