šŸ· Papsweb FAT Club - Monthly weigh in

Youā€™re such a knob, Bearsy!!

yeah yeah stick to doing ur carrot sticks + sit ups for 2 weeks + then bin it off. See if that helps shift ur jelly rolls

Iā€™m probably about a quarter of your weightā€¦ Drink your own spunk before you go recommending it to other people!

Funny you should mention this Bear. A while back I watched a programme about slimming where a lady had tried various diets with no joy. They finally sorted out the problem when she admitted to blowing her partner several times a day but hadnt realised that added to her calorie count!

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I didnā€™t recommend it to other ppl! That is just ur disease mind. What I am saying tho, is donā€™t commit urself to doing any kind of fitness regieme that you ainā€™t willing to do every day for the rest of ur life. Know urself, Lou. You ainā€™t gonna still be doing ur situps in April I guarantee it!

Take me, for example, take a line through me. I calculated ages ago that the one thing Iā€™m willing to do every day, without fail, is ejaculate, and by adopting the simple expedient of doing my daily ejaculation in school playground at chucking out time, I found that I can incorporate a brief aerobic sprint as part as my health regieme. It also gives a work out to all the disgruntled parents + teaching assistants, so win-win.

But Bearsy, having one arm all muscley and the other all flabby isnā€™t gonna help you in the long runā€¦

Not in a long run no but in an arm wrestle or wankathon, itā€™s a considerable weapon.

I didnā€™t properly think it through. What with Bearsyā€™s microscopic penis, and that issue with premature ejaculation heā€™s never been able to suss out, I doubt thereā€™s enough work involved to get any muscles in the first place.

Not That Thereā€™s Anything Wrong With That.

Only a complete amateur does it like that anyway. What i do is 20 reps left hand, then 20 reps right hand, then 20 reps both hands honest, then i have drink water cos u have to keep hydrate

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You can do it with both hands? Wow. Iā€™m impressed.

Right you caaants - leave this serious thread alone with your juvenile tales sexual frustration and sexual bravado bollocks - This thread is for fat fuckers who want to get slim - not you fucking virgins to get off on each others erotic talesā€¦


Bearsyā€™s technique looks like its built up his 1 forearm well.


+1 shut up lou

I use my feet, only way to work up my ankles. Just a slight stretch.

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Anyway before another thread gets derailed Iā€™ll be in this training thread.

Currently 104kg and 18% trying to cut down to 10% and around 92kgs.

Changing my routine to fasted state training in the morning.

Looking at combination of high intensitity training days (metcons) and kettlbells/deadlifts/squats - lift heavy days + slow cardio l with 3 days on then 1 day off then 2 days on 1day off a week.

Aiming to consume 1800cals max anyone day with 190g of protein, fat and fibrous carbs, expecting to have a cal deficit of around 750 cals per day.

Originally posted by @Bearsy

Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

Right you caaants - leave this serious thread alone with your juvenile tales sexual frustration and sexual bravado bollocks - This thread is for fat fuckers who want to get slim - not you fucking virgins to get off on each others erotic talesā€¦

+1 shut up lou

Damn you beat me to it.

Sorry Gay!

Cock off, Bearsy!

Top Sotonian. This is why you won an award, rightly.

Jesus CC - if I did all that this time next year Iā€™d be a skeleton.


Right think I have everyone captured on page one - let me know if I have missed you.

hahahaha to be fair the cals consumption is my intitial guesstimate, if I am still starving iā€™ll will defo eat more so with me expecting to burn 1000 cals per workout I will probably be able to eat 2800 cals (which is alot) but the 1000 cals pulls me back to 1800 with my BMR at about 2400 it will put me at 600 ish deficit, key thing though is not to get injured so I can train ok so will listen to my body when training, plus I will include wine allowances in my cal plan :slight_smile:

Some days I will flag the gym completely and will do an intermittent fast (this is very very good way to lose fat for lazy people) and not eat anything till 3pm (either protein shake or almonds) then normal massive dinner. Would recommend doing (if not training) that maybe twice max 3 times a week.

Also if you want to drop a tonne of weight quick for a specific event then drink 3.5 l of water in a day, then 3l, then 2.5 etc over 7 days until you only drink 0.5l a day (http://fourhourworkweek.com/2013/05/06/how-to-cut-weight-ufc/)

Just joined a new gym so am hoping there is some aesthically pleasing viewing in there but not holding out too much hope at 6.30am :cry: