Paris attacks: Over 100 dead

What I find abhorrent is that some clearly think the atrocities in Paris are a valid time to push their own hateful (and tenuously-related) agendas. Disgusting opportunism. I mean come on - get some fucking perspective.

I am not religious, but ‘praying’ takes on a different context here, thus I pray for all affected.


There are some moderates even in the most extreme groups. We have to find a way to live together on this planet and in the end the only way to do that is to talk to each other. Many more innocents will die before there is a proper resolution but the other alternative is genocide.


I don’t think the people doing this sort of thing have any interest in talking!

Originally posted by @Spudders

:lou_facepalm_2: :lou_facepalm_2: :lou_facepalm_2: oh dear.

Eloquently put.

You’ve been reading the SaintsWeb thread presumably.

Christ. I know that place tends to be reactionary but not for this, surely…?

No, I’ve not been over there today. Have certainly encountered it on social media though. Staying well away from it all for a while.

That thread over there stars at least two Nazi fuckwits who are so thick you wouldn’t trust them to sit the right way on a toilet, and they clearly have nothing better to do that preach hatred dressed up as facts.

Pop out an eye and give them a fucking hook and I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between them and the last hatred-preaching moron who walked our streets.

At least pirate boy could only see half of what was going on, what’s their fucking excuse?


Not really anything to add right now… Heart goes out those who have lost loved ones. Let’s hope that the vast majority of sane and rational folk see this for what it is. Cold calculated murder by criminals intent on causing unhealable rifts between great civilisations. Take care all.


Originally posted by @TheCholulaKid

Originally posted by @Spudders

:lou_facepalm_2: :lou_facepalm_2: :lou_facepalm_2: oh dear.

Eloquently put.

You say you don’t want to talk about this on here, yet you’re still reading this thread and contributing to it!

Originally posted by @Spudders

You say you don’t want to talk about this on here, yet you’re still reading this thread and contributing to it!

Nope - that’s not what I said but thanks for putting words in my mouth.

Cool it! :slight_smile:


They aren’t having much luck this weekend

There is this stance where we refuse to speak to terrorists, but sure this route needs to be explored. Something needs to give.

My other issue here is that, the people doing this are hiding behind religion, but it is no different to you or me going into the street and opening fire on innocent people, then killing ourselves. It is just plain cold blooded murder with no means. I know their is blainwashing, but I cannot even comprehend that kind of level of brainwashing, I really cannot get my head around it!


Getting a little worried, but every time I check the news… I’m putting my iPad down! US I have a feeling are going to go all out now. Scary stuff.

Jesus fucking Christ, Richard Dawkins is surely in the running to be most fucking monumental bellend on earth.

His twitter feed right now is just straight up awful.

The thing is that the people doing it are just lambs to the slaughter. The people who are directing operations are more savvy, you wont find them strapping high explosives to themseves for an early reward of a shedload of virgins. At some point (and it wont be any time soon) they will have to find a way to live with “The West.” They are never going to beat us and they are never going to convert us all to Islam. They wont be able to keep this going for ever.

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Originally posted by @Sadoldgit

The thing is that the people doing it are just lambs to the slaughter. The people who are directing operations are more savvy, you wont find them strapping high explosives to themseves for an early reward of a shedload of virgins. At some point (and it wont be any time soon) they wilol have to find a way to live with “The West.” They are never going to beat us and they are never going to convert us all to Islam. They wont be able to keep this going for ever.

Shame they don’t have this level of common sense really isn’t it! :lou_sad:

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This shit seriously has to stop.

Terrible events in Paris. I’ve not been impressed with the hysteria. I’ve had to tell one Facebook friend that actually, her kids have been born in one of the wealthiest countries in the world during one of the best periods of history (even if we happen to be going through some bad times at the moment), after she made comments about not wanting to raise her kids in this world. I unfriended an uncle, largely on account of him informing any “fucking Muslim lovers” that they were not part of his family. I’ve called him out on his racist shit before. He means me and my brother.

Perspective is all important, and it is very difficult to do that from a position of hysteria. I have no wish to play whattaboutery with human lives, but we routinely go through periods where more people are killed in bombings in a single night in one of the Middle Eastern countries we’ve democratised, and that happens several nights of the week. Everyone should go out with an expectation that if they leave their home, they can conduct their business safely, whether that is in Paris, Baghdad or Damascus. The fact that we cannot is an ongoing collective human failure.

I am sure that most would agree that anyone that would target human life so indiscriminately deserves condemnation and that the families of the victims deserve a robust investigation into not just the perpetrators, but the network, the funding mechanisms and the underlying causes. I despair at some of the stuff I’ve seen from the Born Yesterday crowd on Facebook. It’s either that the last 15 years didn’t happen, or some simply accept that the way to chasing and prosecuting a group of terrorists is to invade two countries and kill millions.

The events in Paris are terrible and cannot be condoned, but they have not happened in a vacuum. We don’t seem to care as much when it’s a car bomb in the Middle East taking out 200, and that’s why I didn’t change my Facebook profile to a French flag today. I’d look like a hypocrite that only gave a toss when it was Western lives that have been taken, which is what we’ve collectively looked like, from Middle Eastern perspectives at least.

We won’t find a way out of this unless we’re prepared to acknowledge what we have done. The clash of civilisations narrative of the early 2000s became tragically self-fulfilling with the illegal wars the coalition of the willing undertook. The situation in France is terrifying. Marine Le Pen’s National Front party already have broad support, and this is against a backdrop of the political system always trying to fuck them up. You cannot help but draw comparisons with the Weimar Republic; a leadership perceived as ineffective (Hollande’s approval ratings are in the 20-25% range), a perceived enemy within threat, only swapping Muslims for Jews as antagonists and a right wing party ready to sort it all out.

Europe is unnecessarily at a crossroads. What was it they said about the price of freedom? Something to do with eternal vigilance. We have to address the short-term steps, but if we don’t take action on long-term resolution, the continent is going to become a police state. The Stade de France bombings alone could have massive implications for those that attend football, an area which some would argue is already overpoliced.

I realise that this has been a bit of a ramble by now. Not my attention to offend anyone at this very sensitive time; I genuinely want the best for everybody. I just think we might better achieve that by ditching the notion that we’re automatically the “best”. History is not going to judge the West of the early 21st century with much kindness. When it starts treating 21st century peeps with more respect is really down to us.


karunaezara: “I woke this morning deeply disturbed by the news from Paris, but more amazed by the attention it received on social media. I understand Paris is a beloved and familiar space for a lot of people, but it troubled me that Beirut, a city my father grew up in, had received so little attention after the horrific bombings two days earlier. It also troubled me that Baghdad, a place I have absolutely no connection with, received even less attention after the senseless bombing that took place there last week. Worst of all, I found the understanding of the refugee crisis skewed and simplistic. If you’ve been following the journeys of the people leaving their homes around the world right now, perhaps you’ll understand why the words Syrian Refugee Crisis are just as devastating as Pray for Paris. It’s time to pray for humanity. It is time to make all places beloved. It’s time to pray for the world.”