
Jesus Christ I can’t even make an obviously self-deprecating joke without copping a bollocking.


Free the @mrtrampoline .

Demand that Radiohead never play the Sotonians Bowl and tacitly endorse the oppressive regime it sits in.

Pound for pound that is highly subjective, what isn’t subjective is Yorke is a twat.

Just as you thought Barry couldn’t disappointment any further up pops a new subject and in he struts, taking you to lows you have never even imagined.

I doff my cap to your knobery Barry.


Nothing cowardly about it. It’s a downvote for a bullshit point. I’m guessing you never went to the US when Bush was in power, then?

Spent any time in Israel? I have - there are plenty of Israelis that aren’t rabid right wingers. Plenty of Israelis that are disgusted by the actions of their successive governments.

Radiohead aren’t standing with the oppressor by playing in Israel. It’s not exactly an audience with Netanyahu.

Teenage Kicks is the best record ever made and John Peel was underrated :lou_sunglasses:


Proper wanking song that.

I think you’ll find that’s @pap Early Doors, @tokyo-saint .

Thought that’d be Turning Japanese by The Vapours


Nah, he doesn’t get a say until democracy is restored. vote void.

Barry get’s to choose who the other contender may be. In a forum full of dicks, he is the ballsack and must be respected.

Baz, nominate someone (I am 38 btw - my life lifetime remember), bletch will sort a poll or resign and we will have the winner

Does this count as tacitly endorsing an oppressive regime?

I don’t know about all that nonsense, I’m just contractually obligated to promote Early Doors (the best covers band in the Midlife Crisis thread).


Difficult as music is subjective but bands that are more well known or bigger than Radiohead or had more influence?





Depeche Mode

I could list more but frankly can’t be arsed son.

It’s hardly self depreciating when you’re clearly not taking a pop at yourself though, is it?


Is that the best you’ve got? Did you get that from Breitbart or is it independent research?

You’re trying to equate international film distribution with Radiohead playing there.

If someone in Israel Spotifies a Roger Waters track, does that mean he tacitly supports them too?

In the meantime, try another view. It may eventually sink in,

Oh, I see…nice…because I’ve posted something that undermines Ken Loach’s position (and by default yours) then I must be frequenting far right news outlets. That’s pretty pathetic. (I managed to google ‘I, Daniel Blake tel aviv cinema’ all on my own, btw)

So, Ken Loach being a man of great principle that he is either didn’t think to check with his distributors where his film was being released (quite the oversight given his stance) Or he’s OK with it being released in Israel.

One thing that I did not know (again not from Breitbart) was that Loach gave a number of anti-Zionist interviews to News Line (the newspaper for the Workers Revolutionary Party) in the 1980s after his play Perdition was axed by the Royal Court. From what I can tell he had a genuine cause for grievance too.

However, that’s the same News Line that was partially funded by the completely not oppressive Gaddafi regime. And the same News Line that was rumoured to have links to the completely not oppressive Saddam regime.

It’s the hypocrisy that’ll get ya, Pap.

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Of course strictly in your opinion…we wouldn’t want anyone getting the idea that your comments were factually based would we. :lou_wink_2:

Yes just my opinion, record sales alone justify them being there, put your poll up pick on the five and they’ll easily stack up against Radiohead.

It was a question. Thanks for confirming the lengths you’ll go to in order to have the tiniest bit of justification for your points.

I don’t see the equivalence.

So by that argument The Spice Girls and Take That were the groups of the 90s/Noughties, whilst now the “best” groups are 1D and Little Mix :lou_facepalm_2:

From what little I have, so far, heard of Radiohead they’re not my sort of music yet I will happily listen to Dire Straits all day…