Redslo presents ask Redslo's secretary/paralegal interesting questions

Redslo, haven’t heard anything on this thread for a while. Has your secretary / Paralegal:

  • resigned

  • resigned and is taking you to court for being forced to interact with us interweb low lifes

  • or, something else?

What is the best way of hiding a dead body?

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Chopping up the limbs and then a good dissolve in sulphuric acid, i’m told.

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Any idea where to find a reputable supplier of said sulphuric acid?

Have you got a big chopper?

Here are some more of her answers:

What is the difference between a paralegal/secretary doing a bit of legal leg work and a barristers clerk?

I do not know. J

I have to admit to being a little dazed and confused last night when offering my question. It was a fucking mess. Thank you for humouring me. Now that I know the form and function of this thing, can I have another go?


Does your paralegal secretary get paid extra for answering the inane questions of internet randoms that live thousands of miles away?

No! but that is a great idea!

Do you prefer baked camembert or deep fried, breadcrumbed brie?

I have never had either, so I do not know. I have Americanized taste buds J

Are you saying Redslo is a surrender monkey?

I would never say such a thing. What exactly is a surrender monkey?

Redslo, haven’t heard anything on this thread for a while. Has your secretary / Paralegal:

  • resigned

  • resigned and is taking you to court for being forced to interact with us interweb low lifes

  • or, something else?

Something else J I am not on the soccer blog and hence there is a very complicated and time consuming process to get these lovely morsels to me to answer. I apologize for the delay.

What is the best way of hiding a dead body?

Not having to hide a dead body, and anyways, I cannot share this information with you, you do not have the needed security clearance

Do you like cheese?

Originally posted by @Redslo

Here are some more of her answers:

Are you saying Redslo is a surrender monkey?

I would never say such a thing. What exactly is a surrender monkey?

Ask Groundsman Willie in The Simpsons (it’s a Frenchman - ssshhhhhh!)

Any Swimming pool supplies dealer will have lots of it. :lou_lol:

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Cool…now just need to get a swimming pool.

Don’t suppose you know where I can buy a shovel?


No but four candles I can do

PhilippineSaint - you are showing your age sir!

Four candles? Fork handles guvnor…!

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PhilippineSaint - you are showing your age sir!

Four candles? Fork handles guvnor…!