Saint-cd v lifeintheslowlane (POR v SPA) Fri 15th June 7pm (BBC)

Fonte is still a complete bell end though


I am a little bit pickled. Did i miss anything?

A belter of a footie match. Hughesy was tuned in and has promised the very same at SMS next season.


Could someone star today’s match threads please?

I’m tied up with 50 kids bear a beach.

We could if we knew who had what team in an easy to read format like an Excel spreadsheet. :lou_lol:


First post in THE sweepstake thread.


Who ever reads the first post after the page has turned :lou_lol:

As a postscript to last night’s game it was marred not only by that preening shit CR7 but a power failure in the LITSL household, blacking out TV coverage and oven Tapas warming. :lou_angry:

The culprit was the oven element going Phutt and tripping the main fuse-box. After isolating the culprit the power went back on and we finished the game on luke warm Tapas and a Party Seven well past its sell-by date.

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August 1975?

July '73. :lou_facepalm_2:

Oh yes. There are times when we have lawrenson but the other parts of the world have REAL commentators

Portugese - Ronaldo - Free Kick


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: :croatia: Croatia v England :engerland: @Rallyboy v @Fowllyd - Wednesday 11th July 19:00

Get back to the England game you twat. :lou_facepalm_2:


I’ve had my fill of Hoddle. What an incessant twat

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Wrong fucking thread