Take a Knee

I really hope all the Dallas Cowboys’ players take a knee next week


What Trump is too fucking stupid and too much of an utter fucking cunt to recognise is that even IF this was disrespecting the ‘flag’ - instead of getting all up his own arse about it, as President he should be more concened with the question of why some of his citizens feel the need to to protest in this way, what ills in his society have caused this and what he as President can do to help find a solution… but that reuires a real stateman, a decent intelligent and empathetic human being … not a racist twat.


I don’t disagree with any of what you have said, but believe it goes much deeper. The man is quite obviously mad and has had his balls cut off(how he views it) more than once by the NRL(yes Americans, it’s a variation of rugby, not football, so drop the F). He’s just asking for rich entitled white men to act as he believes they should(the staff do not complain, especially if the staff happen to be mainly niggers).

He’s threatened the league with tax increases and asked for an owner to come forward and stand up to the players(one has, as @btripz has already shown).

“One of the most haunting aspects of Trump’s battle with the players has been his consistent refusal to talk directly to or with them. His complaint, that they are refusing to stand during the national anthem, has been directed at the owners, a way to offer up an extra level of disrespect to the players.That refusal continued this week,as Trump spoke directly to Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, reminding him of NFL rules he said applied to players around the anthem.”

It shows how fucked up the western world is, when we even discuss the ramblings of a mad man, let alone give him the power to destroy us all(the ss that protect hin have surely been ordered to put a bullet in his head, if he ever tries to push the button. Please America, tell me you have at least done this?).

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He’s a fuckwit & given the number of guns in t’USA, were running a bet at work on when a fucknut with an automatic weapon is going to take him out… Not nice, but he is uncontrollable …

The kind of people that own automatic weapons are all on his side.

Still, on the bright side, they’re all thick enough to pull the trigger at the wrong* time.

I’m seriously starting to worry that he will try to nuke someone(NK or Iran probably, but who really knows?), because he’s used the “final solution” language and for someone of his mental state, that doesn’t leave him any other choice(can’t ever climb down, only escalate).

*when i say wrong I mean the orange blob, not a school full of under 10 year olds(his followers normal** target). .

**I’m very uncomfortable using the word normal when talking about Trump followers.

I wouldn’t say all of them are on his side @saint-or-sinner . It only takes one to be lucky…

Someone to be lucky enough for the sake of all humanity? Let’s hope so.

Looked at him as a freak show until he said “sorry”.

Why does someone saying sorry worry me so much? Because when an egotistical maniac says it, you just know he’s going to try something really fucking stupid(look up the how easy it is for him to order a nuclear attack, without anyone else’s agreement).

I’ve come to the horrible realisation that he would nuke another country purely to save face. He is completely ego driven and Kim whatshisname is just toying with him. They realised a long time ago that he treats everything as an attack on him and his manhood(yes he really is that crazy) and have happily played the game. I would advise them to stop pulling his chain personally, for the simple reason that he’s completely fucking mental and has a huge arsenal of the nastiest weapons.

Goodbye(just in case). It’s kind of hard to predict when looney tunes will go full freak out, but we all know he will at some point.


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Why do they play the national anthem before every single game?

Could you imagine listening to God save the Queen before every Saints match?

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Would be better than that fucking My Way song


They play it every morning in school before classes start too.

They are extremely thorough with their indoctrinating patriotism. Ask an American to draw the outline of so obscure state and most will get it right. Ask your average Brit to draw Gloucestershire and they’re stumped let alone naming all the counties.


Well in defence of the British public (me) the Government does keep changing the shape and boundries of them, as well as renaming them.

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Who cares about any other county than God’s own county?


Not better, but no worse, just as mind numbingly dull.

So are they better in pub quizzes at local geography?

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Hmm, should this be in the Trumped thread…

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