šŸ’° ā¬† Tax increase to pay for Social Care

I donā€™t even know who Kate Silverton is. Let me google herā€¦

Iā€™ve seen her. I canā€™t see why Mrs May would object to your request, GB. Email her in advance, get in firstā€¦


I think I would rather they had some sort of medical training - is there anyone hot in Holby these days

Fine, you can have Dr Gillian McKeith

This is in keeping with their localism agenda. A year ago, at a Labour meeting, we were told the council was not going to have the money to fulfil its minimum legal obligations. The Liverpool City Region idea is basically the only option open to us, and even then, I share your suspicions that itā€™ll allow central government to turn its back on entire regions.

ā€œNot us, govā€, they might say.

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Yeah, my maid, butler, chauffer, gardener; thatā€™s four to start withā€¦



I once had an assessment at uni and was told if I wasnā€™t eligible Iā€™d be charged Ā£500 for the assessment. Thankfully I was eligible.

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Originally posted by @Intiniki


I once had an assessment at uni and was told if I wasnā€™t eligible Iā€™d be charged Ā£500 for the assessment. Than qq kfully I was eligible.

As always these things are badly thought through.

Iā€™ve been involved recently in providing a response to the Work, health and disability: Improving lives Green Paper. While the paper is genuinely trying to get opinion to improve access to work, or benefits for those unable to work, it is politically driven rather than driven by the needs of those who are ill or disabled.

There are a quite a few ministers I would like to make experience the current state disability benefits system tbf.


Walk a mile in my shoesā€¦itā€™s an old adage but will always be true.

My wife had the indignity of being assessed for a Mobility Allowance over 30 years agoā€¦sheā€™s had MS for 35 years. She was going through a bad spell at the time and had to attend an assessment tribunial. When we got to the address in Bedford Place it was on the first floor, up a flight of steep stepsā€¦no lift. She was using elbow crutches at the time and we just about made it up to the room.

She failed the testā€¦I suspect simply by being able to attend the assessment. In our experience, theyā€™ll find a way not to support as many as possible.



You do know its not budgets that cause financial issues Pap, seeing as they are estimates, right? Its the actual costs and funding that matter :lou_lol:



My wife had the indignity of being assessed for a Mobility Allowance over 30 years agoā€¦sheā€™s had MS for 35 years. She was going through a bad spell at the time and had to attend an assessment tribunial. When we got to the address in Bedford Place it was on the first floor, up a flight of steep stepsā€¦no lift. She was using elbow crutches at the time and we just about made it up to the room.

She failed the testā€¦I suspect simply by being able to attend the assessment. In our experience, theyā€™ll find a way not to support as many as possible."

And the problem continues and gets worse. Who in their right mind outsources assessments to private companies and pays them on ā€œresultsā€ i.e cases processed and money saved?


or even payment by results in the public sector too i.e. Troubled Families agenda and Job Centres. I spent a few years working in the former and missed some training about the later where colleagues were told about the bonuses (believe it was clothing vouchers) for ensuring people were sanctioned.


Thereā€™s too many men, too many people
Making too many problems
And thereā€™s not much love to go around
Canā€™t you see this is a land of confusion?

Iā€™ve always had this problem with NHS accountants -

There are ten patients who need drugs at Ā£50 a day.

The accountant asks how much is needed.

Ā£500 is requested.

So the accountant sets the budget at Ā£150.

Who is the useless twat in that situation?

NHS staff are not using ambulances for the fun of it, or caring for the vulnerable in their homes just to fill their days - these are all urgent services that need funding, but the budget from Westminster suggests otherwise, either as a mistake, or perhaps to justify privitisation?

The nurses and carers are not the ones doing ridiculous drug company deals or misjudging the number of staff needed, we need to look at the problems at the top.

Originally posted by @lifeintheslowlane

Walk a mile in my shoesā€¦itā€™s an old adage but will always be true.

My wife had the indignity of being assessed for a Mobility Allowance over 30 years agoā€¦sheā€™s had MS for 35 years. She was going through a bad spell at the time and had to attend an assessment tribunial. When we got to the address in Bedford Place it was on the first floor, up a flight of steep stepsā€¦no lift. She was using elbow crutches at the time and we just about made it up to the room.

She failed the testā€¦I suspect simply by being able to attend the assessment. In our experience, theyā€™ll find a way not to support as many as possible.

Youā€™ve got to admire their moxie. Attend this interview, or ur not getting ur disability. The interview is upstairs, if you can climb the stairs, ur not disability. Joseph Heller would be proud of that one.


My Mum went through the same - you ask an old person if they can walk so far and they want to show that they can still do it, even if it does them in for the day.

The people who set these tests and make sure that patients are denied support - Iā€™m not sure how they sleep.

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Sung by the man who was outa here if Labour won the election a few years back!

I donā€™t disagree with it. Letā€™s hope itā€™s spent wisely and doesnā€™t go to mates.

Edit: Lol, just noticed I created this thread!!

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