📰 The latest news!

Should anyone on this forum be worried??

Chance would be a fine thing.

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See what happens when I get involved…
SPOTY & Knighthood in same year then

Guess a bunch of dim wit Tories currently deleting tweets or in some cases wondering what their next career move will be

The PM has now done a U-turn and agreed to fund the free school meals.
He’s done the right thing but I’m losing count of the number of poor decisions being reversed. I think it’s better not to make poor decisions in the first place.


Looming PMQs is driving the u-turns at the moment.

Well done Johnson for at least making the correct decision.

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Marina Hyde speaking truth to power and nailing it.


The PM has just announced the merger of the foreign office and the dept for international development proclaiming that diplomacy and aid are linked. We’ve worked for years to move away from the position where aid is used to influence the policies and actions of other countries and for some sort of return. I know it’s fashionable to knock Blair but his government made big strides in removing the tied nature of aid. It seems to me that this latest move is a reversal of all of that though I might just be reading too much into it.

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Johnson has just stood up there and stated that he was only made aware of the campaign for FSM this morning. What a bare faced fucking liar.


Some really great news that will surely unite us all in praise…


And it appears to be permanent.



You’d think we’d love a professional cunt around here, but we don’t. We’re only amateur cunts, performing such duties because it is a labour of love.

The professional lot are hardcore.

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Speak for your fucking self mate!


You are not Hopkins level dear boy.

You can do a good froth when you want. You can even do a personal insult.

Where you stop shot is suggesting that we gunboat refugees, as Hopkins did.

Fucking amateur.

There’s not many people I would wish dead, but…

‘The MCA sent investigators on board the six ships operated by British firm Cruise &Maritime Voyages following reports of hunger strikes, late payment of wages and one death’.
Thank goodness the British have no part in slavery anymore.

Something really bad going down in Reading. Possibly Terror related

3 people reported dead and many more stabbed in reading town forbury gardens. @metpoliceuk @MetPoliceEvents @rdgchronicle https://t.co/CH0pIzu0dc

I deleted the actual tweet it had unpleasant video with it

So. Yesterday I had 3 different SMS messages saying

Warning! Tonight (21.06) and heavy rainfall at night. Possible river surges. Get ready for flooding. Follow the instructions of the service.

We had a decent Thunderstorm & quite a bit of rain.

But to the East of us around a small town called Bochnia (which has a small working Salt Mine & a really good shooting range that I (used to) take tours to) they woke up to this

Not bad considering we have an official drought

Official 152 LITRES fell per Square METRE! Insane!