😠 The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life

You see I chiro, stretch, swim, cycle and walk - all that is good stuff

My problems are coming at night when I lay down which is causing havoc with sleep - I have now got to the desparate “throw money at the issue” stage. I have opted for a topper to begin with to see if that helps - still £200 mind


If you’ve not tried a knee pillow…give it a go…can help some people and if you’re at the stage where you’ve tried virtually everything else, it’s cheap and worth a try… https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N8TX5BG/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1

Same thing for me reading the music reviews on Amazon. You get people who give an album 1 star saying that they love the music but that the case was chipped or the delivery was two days late. Isn’t the review supposed to be about the music?


Ha…I read an Amazon review of a Joni Mitchell biography DVD and a twat doing a “one star” review said when interviewed all she did was talk about herself.

Who the fuck did he expect her to talk about when questioned on her career. :lou_facepalm_2:



Just for the record, I have never bought nything at Top Shop in my life and aren’t Al Saints a Girl Band? Had no idea they sold clothes.

My “Annoyance” is more that they have spread to the realms of normal shopping - Nautica, Debenhams and even FFS M&S.

Still, as an upside, might help me to get some of the high notes at Karaoke next time I go.

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I have tried to buy clothes in Zara several times with no joy. I dont think I am huge - 44" chest and 36" waist - but the men’s clothes in there wouldnt fit a slighlty overweight adolescent. I gave up buying clothes in Next some time back for the same reason - everything was “slim fit” which seems to exclude me. We will have to wait for baggy to come back into fashion I guess Phil!

Tbh that’s been my SOP for decades. Store stuff and wear it when it comes round again fashion wise.

Problem now is I am screwed by the fact I’ve lost a lot of weight (due to knee problems) and so I’ve now gone down to a UK Large and 4 inches off the waist line - so all my old shit looks like something Bletch would wear or Pap would camp in at Glasto…

When you’e at a Golf party with the players & a bunch of CEOs from Tour sponsors. You’e talked shit with another of the local crew & had too many free beers.

The event is of course all over Twitter.

You go for a pee before the taxi home. Take a wrong turn and find yourself in a venue being prepared for tomorrow

The "Special Guest is on stage rehearsing & apart from the techs you’e the only one there.

You turn to leave & the singer says no, please stay so you do.

And get a private concert for 20 minutes.

And just KNOW you should have shagged some chick from the 1st party instead because tomorrow you will die when the wife finds out.

You had a private concert. And she sang to you.

And it was…



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Janice Long!?? I thought she was dead. :lou_surprised:


When you go for a night out in Dubai and your kids are able to watch it on TV in Europe.

And when the camera pans you aren’t talking to your wife. Who actually wasn’t there… :lou_facepalm_2:



And we complained when mobile phones started having cameras on them :lou_lol:

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Would you?

Bletch Bletch Bletch. …

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When your wife whinges at you for ages because you are paying for her phone and it on your contract and she has “no control”. So you get the contract transferred over to her.

Now she’s whinging that, 'cos it’s doing what an old iPhone does when a new iPhone is released, that I am not helping her and I should phone EE up to sort out the issue :lou_facepalm_2:


Ahh the new IOS update with the fuck up old phone feature.

Buy her a new phone you tight git.

She doesn’t actually want a new phone and I’ve tried her on non-apple phones.

Fucked if I’m going to give more of my money to Cupertino…

Did someone mention mobile phone software updates?

Android did another this week. Where’ my farking torch gone?


My wife has an andriod phone.

I don’t have a smart phone, never have nor do I want one but guess who the “go to” is when she can’t get it to do what she wants it to do. She threw it across the room the other day. :lou_facepalm_2:


Sent my Nintendo back for repair last week.

They’ve sent in back today, with the issue (controller desync) apparently solved.

Only issue being that they have only sent back one of the two parts (controllers on the Switch come in 2 ‘halves’).

Good job guys :lou_facepalm_2:

Bar staff - you have two key components to your job, keeping an eye on who is next, and serving them.

Stop ignoring me - my hot chocolate and tap water is just as important as the next order.