😠 The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life (Part 1)

Hmmm…“unexpected idiot in the bagging area” :lou_eyes_to_sky:


I like self service tills. I wouldn’t say it’s any quicker for me cos I’m like, one for the till, one for the bag, so then you have to keep getting the woman to come over press reset because it doesn’t like you putting things in the bag without scanning them. It is a good thing to do though because you don’t have to pay for them. I just smile at the woman, roll eyes, and go, don’t know what is wrong with this machine! It don’t seem to like me! She never notices that my till reckons i’ve got one loaf bread, but there is all bottles of vodka and what not in my bag.

The bags is my real issue! I’m v.angry about bags. I didn’t mind when they introduce the 5p bag system, I feel like I save enough on my purchases so it is No Problem. I didn’t even mind when they introduce 10p bag system. What really gets my goat is how i.e. Tesco and Asda have started hiding the fkn bags. They don’t have any at the self service tills anymore, they like you to hunt around for them or go find an employee and fkn beg for one like an Animal. It’s a fkn Liberty!


Just take the basket.

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Sounds to me that Bearsy needs to use a fucking big mega trolley, not a basket, for all his pinched Vodka

People who get on the bus and then search for their pass. Whilst we wait impatiently as the driver won’t drive off.


Craft beer pub. Krakow.

Order a beer.

It’s nice. Drink half try to go for a smoke.

Look at the beer tap. Wow 7 % you ask the barman.

No. It is 24.7%…

Fuck. how do I get home to my Hotel?

How is that even possible?


People leaving the team I work in. We had a few go earlier this year. Been fairly stable until now. 2 leaving in about a month of each other. Both great colleagues. One is moving to a job she wants. The other has had enough and has no permanent job to go to. In many ways I am jealous. I’d like to work in a stable team again. Unlikely to happen in my role of work sadly. Burnout is a real thing.


Being looked at like I’m a Zombie mutant because, yes I would like cheese on my Subway and no I wouldn’t like it toasted.

I then had to confirm 3 times that I didn’t want it toasted!!

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As much as I agree with the subjectiveness of how people enjoy their food I cannot abide by this. You are wrong Sir, very wrong indeed and have made me quite cross :lou_angry: :lou_angry: :lou_angry: 3 cross penis emojis!!! :lou_angry: 4!!!



Was it the fact that I was having a Subway that made you really, really cross or the non-toastedness of it??

Would it make you madder if I mentioned that I had spicy cheese too??

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The non-toastedness. I will however subtract 2 cross penis emojis for spicy cheese. If you had mentioned this in the first place all this unpleasantness could have been avoided.


Hope this helps, good luck!


Much rather work with animals. :laughing:

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Amen to that! I’ve been looking into doggy physio, you just chuck them in a pool and let them swim about a bit :lou_lol:

As long as they don’t piss and poop in the pool it would be ideal.

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I do!

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Hey @intiniki have you thought of this as an alternative career?

I often say that trying to organise a professionals meeting is like hearding cats. So no. This role is not for me.

But they’re cute and they’re on the internet - that’s what the internet was made for…

EDIT - the cats not the cowboys. But each unto your own if its the opposite

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This is why cowboys have six shooters