šŸ˜  The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life

Pedant. :smiley: Itā€™s the BBC tbf so you shouldnā€™t expect too much these days.

I could give this a go.

Just tell them you follow Pap on Twitter


When there are two roles advertised and you spent most of Sunday on one of the application formsā€¦ for it to be the one you donā€™t want to apply for. fml. Most of the info has pulled through but not the employment. So I have to list 21 years of employment. I am told that recruiters donā€™t really look at that part much.

They do look at how many different jobs you have had over the years and if you job hop it means you dont stay in a position long enough for it to be worthwhile for them to employ you.

Not in my area. People move about all the time now. They are so desperate for workers. Itā€™s an internal role.

Well I just spent an hour putting in my 21 years of work for there to be an error and Iā€™ve had to delete it all.

South Western Railway.

Thatā€™s it.


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Currently the 2 teenage girls on the phone to a ā€œfriendā€ arguing about their friendship. Theyā€™re so extra. I think Iā€™ve used that right.

I remain blissful in my ignorance about what that means. Is it even English, like?

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Course not Mush its London like

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I was so relieaved when they got off the bus. I was trying to listen to Adam Buxton podcast. So inconsiderate.

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The law of averages. Fuck, I almost got into a smash joining the M6 today. Fucker in the slow lane not only didnā€™t move over, but matched my fucking speed, leaving me to brake when there was no road left.

Not liking 120 miles of commuting a day.

Internet thievery

Some twat just tried to use my Apple ID prompting me to have tto change all my passwords again.

How do you remember all the different passwords that are required these days?


Is that on top of your 9 (nine) hour days?

If you were trying to accelerate past him, heā€™s a cunt.

If you were hoping heā€™d slow and let you in, heā€™s not the cunt.

Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t know who pap is.

Having a cold is miserable. Eyes feel heavy, throat hurts, head is throbbing, nose outs running. A couple of brandies helped but now Iā€™ve had a few whiskeys and now have all my symptoms and feel slightly pissed.


Keeping on an illness theme, I am flying out to Geneva this morning and I have woken up with a banging headache and the feeling in my throat like someone has been feeding me razor blades and salt and vinegar crisps in my sleep, I feel like any minute I will cough up my own pelvis :lou_sad:


I have Man Flu. Just got up for a wee and paracetamol - going back to bed - may check in for footie updates but doubt it. Laters. :lou_sad:

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Thats what us travellers love another passenger with a communicable disease :lou_angry:

Cry off sick and dont infect 200 other people please.

When you have touristing family in town and they get pissed off that you canā€™t drop everything and spend the day at the pool with them.

Not because youā€™e busy but because 24C means itā€™ too cold for us