😠 The Little Annoyances Of Everyday Life (Part 1)

Too much work at present plus ofsted and a office move.

Preparing Legal Documents.

Snot faced developers who think they know more than you because they looked something up on Google

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Sending my old man and his friend back to the UK

He left his jacket and dried garlic behind, She had her phone pinched when we were on a day out then got told her house had froze broke a pipe and alll the ceilings have come down after it thawed and flooded everything.


Explaining Legal Documents to Snot faced developers who didn’t type the full term into Google but know better than Legal Precedent.

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everyone - today everyone is annoying me


but I love you @cb-saint :lou_wink_2:

Crispin Blunt. Had the misfortune of hearing him on the Today programme this morning. What a mealy-mouthed little cunt.

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Sat at traffic lights that are clearly broken and set on red. Everyone else but car in front of us realises this.

Tropical Storms,

Have taken out the TV feed in the hotel inconsiderate blighters

Errrr … Bar???

When at a party for a friends bday

Friend: “KRG, would you mind being in charge of the music, you know loads of stuff”.

KRG: “Um, oh well ok, I guess I could. What sort of stuff did you have in mind?”

Friend: “Oh anything you want, I like what you like”

*KRG puts on a track*

Friend: “Oh no, not this”

*KRG changes to another track*

Friend: “No, not this either”

KRG: “Fine, well any vague idea what you want?”

Friend: “really, just anything”

*KRG puts on ANOTHER song"

Friend “Oh really?”

KRG: “Hire a fucking dj, ya tightarse!”

:lou_angry: :lou_angry: :lou_angry: :lou_angry: :lou_angry:


Wisdom teeth can also get to fuck


Tell the truth krg, was all ur tracks Arcade Fire?


He should have seen it coming when he asked if he was ready to start.

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It’s not an unfair assumption. But no, I didn’t play any of their stuff!

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Had all of mine removed when I was nineteen - the top ones hadn’t even started coming through at that point.

I’ve only had one properly come through. That one was totally fine. This is the second, and it is absolute agony. I’ve spent the last week wanting to rip out my jaw.

krGF informed me that tooth ache is the thing that is most likely to cause an accidental overdose. Having never had any dental issues before (never even had a filling, let alone a tooth pulled or something more serious) and judging on this week - I can understand it.

Yeah had mine done yonks ago. On way from Hospital we went over a speed bump so that dislodged the blood clot and it started to bleed again.

3 hours and a number of calls to the Doc later had to go back in.

Whereupon the Doc put 3 stitches into my Gum

With NO Anesthetic.

I can STILL feel that thread being pulled through even to this day…

But the pain was probably much less than that experienced by those poor sods having to listen to KRG’s music choices.



Voted Sotonians taste maker by my peers pal…