The roads are grim down South

When I “work from home” it’s 5mins to have a shit and shower while laptop fires up.

Then a quick call to someone still in the office to ask them to guess what I’m wearing today…usually a pair of pants and socks. Might swerve the pants if it’s warm though…

I thought the whole fucking point of roundabouts was to increase traffic flow by substituting traffic lights for common sense.

The roads are so crap here that you have traffic lights on roundabouts.

Lovely stuff.

They wouldn’t be needed if it weren’t for the numpties who think the person who has the right of way is the one going the fastest.

On a related subject, comprehension of mini roundabouts is not great. It’s not just the classic three cars turn up at the same time. People often don’t twig they’ve right if way when there are only two of you.

Common sense and drivers you have to be kidding right?

Then just add the cyclomentalists out in force at the weekends and it’s BOOM…!!