The Slightly Belated 2016 Sotonians Awards

Originally posted by @saintbletch

I mean, one poster who will (for the moment) remain nameless, appears to have voted for themselves in pretty much every category.

Seems as you appear in pretty much all categories (head big much?) I would guess that we don’t really need to name names…

Originally posted by @saintbletch

If only we had a web developer category in the awards so that people could make the discontent known!

Well I did offer my services but obviously, you know, you all hate me…

And when he’s stopped whining about whining Saints fans on his twitter account. It’s almost as though he doesn’t realise they’re paying him in real fivers.

I would like to address this point because I am very aware of how it looks. It looks like I think I’m better than you.

Well, the real reason is that I think that I am better than you*.

Hope that helps.

*Bletch may, or may not think this about Big Inferior Bob but the truth is that you lot created the categories in the Awards Categories Nomination thread. Bletch even left out some of the categories where he was the only obvious answer.

FFS - get a fucking move on you precious fucks - more drawn out windy bombastic delays than the fucking oscars - like the old days when SPOTY was 27 hours long - just hand out the goings and points and stop cunting about Bletch you tart!

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Well, the votes are flying in now.

Somebody has gone to the trouble of working out the scrabble score for StickyWhiteDovePiss (40 - or so I’m informed).

I’m glad someone is taking this seriously.

I think.

Given the current vooting in the categories where you are the only obvious answer, that’s looking like a pretty shrewd move right now.













