The Sotonians Experience: Site Feedback

Well, I can’t do anything until it stops working for you, Bob.

There is a discussion about Facebook, Reddit and Instagram videos sometimes failing to embed on Discourse but that was fixed 6 days before I did the last update.

I could try to update the site and see if it fixes it but my inclination is to try to track it down.

What is confusing me is that it doesn’t work then works. That suggests it’s environmental for each user experiencing the problem.

Broadly the same environment, different times, different results.

You need to track and trace


tl;dr This could be rate limiting on the Twitter API so would only appear at ‘busy’ times.

For everyone that has seen this issue, does it sometimes work and sometimes fail. Or, for a given Tweet, does it always fail?

Back in the early days of Twitter I used to do a lot of API programming. You may remember my word clouds - Wordles on Saintsweb. Anyway, if you used the Twitter API a lot it would rate limit. You had a finite resource limit in, say, a minute, and if you used it up it would wait for the next minute before giving you more API time.

This has that sense to it for me.

I’ll need to find a case when this doesn’t work and look at the error we’re getting back from Twitter - that’s where you come in Bob.

I’m developing an App at the moment that I need 67% of Sotonians to install on their smartphones ('slowlane is given a pass).

It will tell me every time a poster’s finger goes within 2cm of their arsehole.

You better keep your phone charged, Fatstuff.


:+1: :+1: :+1:

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Desktop/Windows 10/Chrome…

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Slowlane, can you reply to the original post and @ mention me? Otherwise I can’t find the offending post.


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PC, Chrome, cabled to router

Fine on my iphone over wifi on the same router

Absolutely fine on Edge on the PC

@saintbletch does this help (5.4 KB)

And another one for you @saintbletch, seems to be a load of 403 form the Twitter API (7.2 KB)

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Sounds like forbidden knowledge :smiley:

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Just tried searching for something. Says the site is under extreme load.

Yours, @saintbletch?

Not me @pap

I’ve seen that before and it seems to be transient. Is it still there.

FYI there is a background job scheduler that runs all the time and occasionally that spikes jobs but I can’t see any such spike - the opposite if anything.

I did spill my load all over my laptop earlier. Have I broken Sotonians?

I told you that DOS attack wouldn’t work…getting 1500 people to spill their load in unison was bound to fail…30% of them premature, 30% still looking for the magazine and 30% still flogging to get the first one out. :lou_facepalm_2:

Not broken, no.

It’s just gunked up with some really fatty saveloy gloy.

That is not how the Internet works.

Sotonians is protected from your fat finger fumbling :smiley:


Donation of Sperm?

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Yep, that as well.