This is the day of all days

Happy Birthday Bletch! You don’t look a day over 50.

When I find some appropriate birthday filth I will PM.


I might have a vested interest but this is surely THE finest post in sotonians history.


Oh the simmering sexual tension between us, eh Lou?

Can you feel it too?

You CAN feel it too. If you want.

I might be 50 but I’d still show you a good time (likely involving me giving you directions to a Will Farrel film, alas).

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[Cants head to one side]

Love you papster.


I don’t feel a day over 50, but after drinking Brewdog’s Vagabond tonight, I bet I will tomorrow.



It’s only a number @saintbletch , but its quite a big one (just the number, calm down fella!)


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A deputation of poetry lovers have led the doggerel to a quiet corner where it was quietly put to sleep.

Thanks :lou_wink_2:

Happy birthday Belch.

Young coont.

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A ‘great’ poet that can make moderator scan, is not likely to produce doggerel.

I think young sir you have to realise for a poet to be considered “edgy” (and I’m sure we all realise how important this in the world of art) they have to be subjected to certain amount of criticism, derision and ridicule. Bearing that in mind the term “doggerel” should be looked on as positive term in the development of the young poetic mind.

Fowllyd obviously identifies with that redeeming feature of the great poets citing William McGonagall as a major influence.

I demand an appology. :lou_angry: