:tories: Tories in trouble?

Back on track. Fallon denies making lewd comments to Leadsom so one of them is lying. Not doing the Strong and Stable gang any good

I had an interesting chat with an MP yesterday…

They said that the Westminster pest list is a joke as it includes one couple who went out together for ages before parting amicably years ago, which is now translated as ‘both of them bothering each other’, and that Fallon’s resignation had surprised them as his offence seems minor, and ages ago.

But when you bear in mind he has just sacked senior military personel for having an affair, Fallon realised that wielding the axe for what he considered improper behaviour and then justifying your own improper behaviour, wasn’t going to look anything but hypocritical.

His wandering hands dug his own grave.

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Leadsom apparently said to him that she had cold hands and he said I know where you can warm them up! Oh, the scandal. At least Profumo got down and dirty with a hooker.

Priti Patel in major trouble. She’s lied to pretty much everyone. She has broken the ministerial code of conduct.

“She’s toast”, says senior unnamed Tory.

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Reprimanded in person by Theresa May.

Harsh punishment indeed.

I’m sure her reward will make it bearable.

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I’m sure she feels crushed by May’s awesome authority.


Bravo Bojo

Proof that Boris shouldn’t be allowed to control anything, backed up by the fact May diminished the office before giving him power.

London can proudly claim that it survived the black death, the great fire, the blitz. multiple Dalek invasions and Boris Johnson*

* Before you fact checkers start refutin’, I know Boris isn’t real. Could be about to be self-penned out of the plot.

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I’ve been on holidays like this. Loads of meetings with people etc. Best way to spend your free time.

On no wait, they were trade union delegations and I had to write reports and feed back on them. Everyone knew what I was up to not that it would have been a conflict with the day job.

Think she needs more than a stern word from May.

To suggest that aid money go to the Israeli army is quite something too. What humanitarian actions are they taking in occupied territories?


That Patel hasn’t gone is both incredible and an indicator of how weak May’s government is. She suggested that the Israeli Defence Force receive British aid for its “humanitarian” work in the Golan Heights, Syrian territory under illegal Israeli occupation.

All behind the government’s back. Previous regimes would have sent her to the Tower.

Have they all been arrested yet?

I can’t keep up these days

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I’ve just been onto Thomson Holidays and have managed to book a last minute all-inclusive family trip to Egypt.

It includes flights, hotels, excursions to the pyramids and the temple at Luxor, a night of Bedhouin festivities in the desert, two trade delegation meetings with representatives from Russia and Syria, a conference with members of the oppressed Coptic Church, and a donkey ride from the Nile to the Valley of the Kings.


How these bastards are clinging onto power fuck knows, this slimy little bastards always seem to crawl their way out.

Democracy Baz

The elections aren’t democractic but the system is what we have I suppose.

Local people electing a representative to go to parliament and represent them, how is that not democratic

The adding up isnt democratic

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Stupidity of the electorate more likely LDH - that’s the only explanation I can think of.

I guess you get exactly what you deserve - the wider you, not you specifically.