:trumpdumb: Trumped!

I won’t be protest I don’t think. Even after all this time, I still think the Mericans made the Right Decision. The Trump is clearly a grade A bell, but I still think he is overall less evil than The Clinton woman. Something bout that broad chills me to the bone.

Depending on your point of view the whole country been stolen - just ask most displaced Palestinians. There’s a very powerful lobby group in the USA that says the opposite.


Think you’ll find it was given to them by fkn GOD.

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Yeah, i just had a look, because i remember lots of reports of foiled isis/Muslim threats.

Once you search, there are loads of white Americans attempting it. The only difference is if you’re white and right wing, it’s hidden away, unless you succeed(then it’s kind of hard to hide).

Anyone remember this?

Or this?

The biggest threat to Americans(after the obvious, white men with guns) appears to be, white men in uniform(if you are unfortunate enough to be black)/white men in positions of power/white men that are religious/white men that need someone to blame for their failures/white men from the south/white men in groups/white men that can access the Internet/white men with opposable thumbs/white men that can still breathe.

But don’t worry white American men, no one will talk about it.

@bearsy is correct if the terrorist is a white male, but wrong for the rest of the planets population.


Oh, really? Didn’t realise.

that’s ok then.

As you were Israel…

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According to their book(there is dispute about this. Apparently their book describes Saudi Arabia). Who wrote “their book” again and if true why didn’t they think to update it, to the correct location. Easy to do, “God spoke to me” is all it takes).


The overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks in the US are carried out by White Americans, more often than not Far-Right/White Supremacists.

I don’t mean to sound like a Barry-esque, stuck record but I have repeated this same point several times.

But hey, I guess that doesn’t galvanise racists and banning White Americans from America is probably a slightly trickier issue.

People don’t like introspection, it’s always easier to blame ‘foreign’ actors. Can’t think why that sounds familiar.


That might be true, fair enough to give the whites some credit i suppose, but I still think the muslims done the best one.

Ooh, which one?

I thought the Israelis done the best one(I know, but i’ve just opened a Mavrud and there’s every chance i will drink far too much).

I’m not keen on Trump. I do like other things. Well apart from litter, can’t abide it. That and racism, genocide, rape, fascism, mindless destruction of the planet and it’s resources and mugabe.


And a smidgen of fake science?

“…On two occasions, he said, they had exceeded the limit of 130 tonnes of heavy water (a source of plutonium suitable for a nuclear bomb) …”

As I understand it heavy water is used to help neutrons react with uranium. Not sure it’s a source of plutonium Donald. I’m sure there are some clever people who can explain it clearly.

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I wouldn’t say i’m particularly clever, but that is easy to explain.

Donald is a fucking idiot.

Remember that, it will serve you well.

Anyway Donny is to busy attending hate rallies to learn anything.


With the decision to pull out of UNESCO this week, its increasingly looking like the chief cheerleaders for the Trump project are not the Russians, but the Israelis. The UNESCO thing is not an isolated incident. We’ve heard overtures about moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem before the election. Yesterday’s ridiculous announcements concerning Iran were yet another step in that direction. One of Trump’s specific objections was Iran’s support for anti-occupation groups like Hezbollah.

The thing is, the US and Israel have been the biggest rogue states on the planet for the last half century. We turned a blind eye to many US transgressions because it was perceived as the bulwark against communism and the protector of freedom. Bereft of that existential context, the actions of the US specifically are a lot harder to ignore, especially if you’re lucky enough to observe the long term effects.

I repeat that post-1979 Iran has never invaded anybody that didn’t invade it first. The same cannot be said of the US, which seems to be making an increasing habit of breaking international law and individual countries. Iran is engaging in the same statecraft that all nations undertake, but it has never been an aggressor nation.

Netanyahu has got to be loving this. Perhaps that is why he stayed silent for three days after some of Trump’s “good people on both sides” in Charleston screamed anti-semitic abuse on American sidewalks.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bd_vAawM9LA :lou_facepalm_2:

So. Trump has blocked Iran again.

Re-export business round here should pick up again then :sunglasses:


:lou_facepalm_2: :lou_facepalm_2: :lou_facepalm_2:

The law of unintended consequences at play. How does Trump get out of it? He lies, obfuscates and diverts attention, of course…

Even his own side think he’s a loon…