What Do Muslims Really Think?

Similar to “why is this in the news?”, "why has this programme been commissioned?".

And you’re bang on. Given the outrage directed at Labour today, can you imagine a Judaism-themed follow-up ever occurring?

Thanks for clarifying your point, Phil.

Your comment above came across as simply crass.

I don’t agree with the premise of your clarification, but I can see where you are coming from now.

Interesting stuff. Wonder where they all stand on anal?


I’d like to see the international community get together and put pressure on the Dalai lama to change his horrific views. Why do we just stand by and let his backward religion spout this bullshit?


Interesting that the ancient Romans and Greeks were pretty cool about it and had shedloads of Gods. It seems in the more modern world where there are less Gods, those Gods seem to have a lot more influence on what we put where. You’d think omnipotence would entail greater concerns than bothering about where us minions decide to desposit our bodliy fluids!

look at this quote from the Dalai lama:

“From a Buddhist point of view, men-to-men and women-to-women is generally considered sexual misconduct.”

misconduct! What a cunt the Dalai lama really is. Peddling his backward nonsense. And no one pulls him up on it because the political parties are all scared of losing the Buddhist vote.


… the point is though that in all cases, the actualy number who follow the ‘letter’ is a minority in all religions… precisely because most folk have common sense and have evolved to recognise the inconsistencies within the teachings - and have rightly chosen those that are more enlightened…

There may be some religions where that minority is ‘bigger’, but to suggest a ‘whole’ religion is homophobic is somewhat ignorant at best.

Behind, I would have thought

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the bloody Buddhists are, GA

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Sexual misconduct? What does proper sexual conduct entail I wonder? People have been getting off in various ways and with different genders for ever. If religion is all about spirituality perhaps it should let people decide for themselves how to enjoy the pleasures of sexual union? It cannot do your spiritual self the slightest bit of good to go through life feeling guilty because you have feelings for the same gender.

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on the tits or back is usually ok, but it’s bad form to go on the face without asking first


Thanks Bear, always the first stop for sexual etiquette matters!

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So then the people who follow solely on their terms are not real followers and the ones that do are the homophobes?

Is that excusable?

Following a book with no foundation is blind faith at best (in the nicest terms or ignorant at worst).

I am with you Barry in that I dont think that living your life based on a book written long ago and with very little basis in historical fact is far from ideal, But the fact remains that millions of people chose to do so and we all need to live togther, whatever our belief system. Religions are having to adapt to the more liberal aspirations of Western society and you would hope that Islam will go the same way as time goes on.

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I pray for the day when the Buddhists show as much compassion for the gays as they do to the humble ant (the insect, not the Brewdog plant we have here)

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Sandal wearing cunt.

Dalai, does seem to be differentiating though between his doctrine and personal belief… and ‘considered misconduct’ is hardly; ‘stone the queens’ is it?

That’s treason that is

Ah, here they come, crawling out of the woodwork…the liberal elite. Apologists for Buddhist homophobia.

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Originally posted by @PhilippineSaint

Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

Dalai, does seem to be differentiating though between his doctrine and personal belief… and ‘considered misconduct’ is hardly; ’ stone the queen s’ is it?

That’s treason that is