What to do when you think you've been scammed

Sorry to hear that Dave.

We need regular updates to see if you get your.money back from ‘her’.

What do you have in terms of contact details to track ‘her’ down?

That’s really shit news, Dave. I’ve got a spare guitar if you want it. PM me your address and £200 for postage and I’ll send it asap.


Thanks and I will

This is their number

+61 473 451 551

Feel free to give em a call and tell them what a knob jockey they are

Remember, anytime after 3pm in UK is around midnight here :lou_sunglasses:

Tis shit @Fatso

Don’t think I’ll be able to afford that guitar as I am also fortunate enough to have received a tax debt today of 2k


I think OSD is softening us all up for the can I borrow some spare cash scam :lou_lol:

way to go Dave