Where is Brian Earsy?

Faaarking over senstive girly front bottoms… FFS, when I have a spat with with Pap, I call him a cunt and be done with it - and a few days later he has calmed down, :lou_lol:shit happens, we fall out in this virtual underwearworld, its not like we are destined to play nice in a rainbow like My Little Pony club world of sugar an spice and all things nice, Papsworld members are made up of cunts and bawbags, fuckwits and knobs…and a Barry Sanchez. Sure get pissed off, enter the fray and do battle… and use your feisty clunched buttock of an attitude to give pap/barry/another a right good fisting. Mother always said these things are best out in the open, and running back to SWF is like voting Brexit… You think you are sticking it the man, but you are just fiucking yourself over. :lou_is_a_flirt:


Bearsy is saying (in his usual ursine manner) over on The Dark Side that he is giving this place a rest for a while due to a paedo witch hunt! Hopefully he will be back soon.

WAtch out SO5 5BW … you might want to ask Floydy Owl to watch your back for you :astonished:


OK, I wasn’t going to post this, but I think it’s important for full disclosure.

I reported Bear to operation Yewtree. What he was posting on the Guested thread showed that he’s clearly a ‘friend of Jimmy’.

Talking of Jimmy, I then reported Toke to operation Twat - an initiative to investigate claims of historic twattism.

He’s bang to rights.


Beautiful words Mr Ferret, like a poem read by Fry that.

“… its not like we are destined to play nice in a rainbow like My Little Pony club world of sugar an spice and all things nice,…”

Chutters, Ok, if not, why not?

Mind you, I’d like to see everyone trying not to self-combust with the strain of being nice to each other, all the time.

I can picture it now.

Ah fuck him, if he wants to play all needy then he can get lost…

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Bears need love too!

You promised me operation Twat was a night out in Islington and that you would meet me there for some fun and games. :frowning:


Oh,he promised you that too did he?

How many others has he taken in with his false promises and lies?

He should change his name from Bletch to Bitch



Oh so that wasn’t you I spent all night telling golf stories to then.

Ffs they said you’d be wearing a Cravat.

Sorry, my bad


Hey … hands off … that’s his pet name that we use in our PM’s (prefixed with “your little”)


I reckon he’ll soon realise that running back to the dark side is like looking up an ex for a shag. Stevesweb is like that nagging dullard you used to live with, offering vanilla sex and late night Ikea shopping.

Hopefully he’ll soon be back to the dirty little strumpet that is papsweb for anal DP and dwarf tossing with Ukranian prostitutes.


Well, that’s not entirely accurate.

If memory serves, and it usually does (despite everything I do to prevent it), the basic chronology of events went down like this.

  1. Cherts calls Bazza a fucking nonce.
  2. Several people think that’s a bad thing.
  3. Cherts, unrepentant the next morning, gets guested because it’s my first day of work and don’t want the place to become a fucking libel bomb by the time I get back.
  4. Several PMs later, Tokes is on the site fighting Cherts’ corner.
  5. A whole day goes by with many of our posters trivialising the issue of paedophilia and/or the highly pressing subject of whether I make things up as I go along. (I do, btw. Everybody does, otherwise we’d all be incapable of dealing with new things)
  6. I get back from the first day of work, retaining last nights’ seriousness on the topic. Bear was unimpressed.
  7. I got a PM from Bear after I PM’ed him, saying he’ll probs be back after the New Year.

I ain’t chasing anyone to come back, and while I respect Bear for sticking up for fellow posters against the AWESOME POWER OF THE MAN, he should probably be more selective in who he defends. Appreciate all the effort he’s made. Don’t think this place would have gotten off the ground without him.

That all said, if the purpose of this place is to amuse, inform and entertain, we are not lacking for contributors these days.

His location over there says: ‘papsweb’ :lou_wink_2:


this is the same as any spats I have, we are all grown ups. Most people have there beef and move on, no harm done. Life is to short to carry it on and on.


Toke was always the funny one, anyway.

That’s not what you said to me sweet-cheeks


funny haha or funny weird?

Originally posted by @pap

Well, that’s not entirely accurate.

If memory serves, and it usually does (despite everything I do to prevent it), the basic chronology of events went down like this.

  1. Cherts calls Bazza a fucking nonce.
  2. Several people think that’s a bad thing.
  3. Cherts, unrepentant the next morning, gets guested because it’s my first day of work and don’t want the place to become a fucking libel bomb by the time I get back.
  4. Several PMs later, Tokes is on the site fighting Cherts’ corner.
  5. A whole day goes by with many of our posters trivialising the issue of paedophilia and/or the highly pressing subject of whether I make things up as I go along. (I do, btw. Everybody does, otherwise we’d all be incapable of dealing with new things)
  6. I get back from the first day of work, retaining last nights’ seriousness on the topic. Bear was unimpressed.
  7. I got a PM from Bear after I PM’ed him, saying he’ll probs be back after the New Year.

I ain’t chasing anyone to come back , and while I respect Bear for sticking up for fellow posters against the AWESOME POWER OF THE MAN, he should probably be more selective in who he defends. Appreciate all the effort he’s made. Don’t think this place would have gotten off the ground without him.

That all said, if the purpose of this place is to amuse, inform and entertain, we are not lacking for contributors these days.

What? Not even Lou?

FWIW, you fucked up there Pap (which is kind of the subtext of your post) not that you’d ever admit it. Bearsy’s pretty fucking funny and one of the few members whose posts were worth seeking out.