Whole lotta MLT love

Oh, and yes WE have…


Sorry @dubai_phil - didn’t mean to down vote. Fat thumbs. Gratuitous upvote to follow on your next golf story


Still a bit surreal when I see him walking down the road towards me with his dogs. We usually have a football chat and my dog sniff his dog’s arses. All very convivial. :lou_lol:

I’m always carrying a camera but never thought of taking a picture…seems a bit intrusive.

He has a dog with more than one arse? Does it have a nose? And how does it smell?


Oh fuck apostrophes…but thanks for the feed…A. Terrible!

His dog has no nose & smells bloody awful

(joke copyright Tommy Trinder, from Music Hall Greats 1923)


MLT bossing it on tipping point.