You're a fighter..... Walkout song?

… But sorry to make you sad Bletch but that Ginger Mike Batt who wrote Bright Eyes… ordered a cull of rabbits on his estate… two faced cunt

That’s a fine song and a fine choice too. But that line is originally from the Bonzo Dog Band’s Mr Apollo, I do believe.

It also contains the immortal line “Wrestle poodles and win!”. What more could you ask for?


Yes correct it is a quote from “Mr Apollo” and you shall have a “Legendary LITSL Congratulatory Upvote”. I had in fact signed up for a “Mr Apollo” course and despite my advanced years, can still give Poodles a run for their money. :lou_lol:

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I Touch Myself by the Devinyls - what else?

Dont forget you’d have padded gloves on.

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Dire Straits - Telegraph Road, by the time it gets to the end my opponent will be asleep.

I’d do a bespoke cover version replacing “touch” with “fist”.