HELP! Get Brewdog's licence approved by Southampton council

New micro pub in Portswood.

Thought this might be interesting here.



Good news 'bletch. I am, of course, slightly afraid of replying to your post, especially promptly, as I might now be accused of being you. Anyway, all hail the microbrewery…


The first rule of Brewdog…


So if ant is Lakepipe but doesn’t know he’s Lakepipe and Lakepipe denies being ant but could be ant, who is Meatloaf?

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Good shout, Bletch. Heard about this via Facebook as one of my mates living up that way was imploring us to post our support on the planning permission. Couldn’t be arsed at the time but may pop my name down. Would be a good site for it.

Guess which favourite local resident objects (despite living nowhere near)?

Approved!: Onwards!

| Reference | 15/01624/FUL |
| Alternative Reference | 1152 |
| Application Validated | Wed 05 Aug 2015 |
| Address | 18A Upper Banister Street Southampton SO15 2EF |
| Proposal | Change of use from restaurant (Class A3) to bar (Class A4) |
| Status | Approved |
| Decision | Approve with Conditions |
| Appeal Status | Unknown |
| Appeal Decision | Not Available |

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Well, this can’t be right - Fatso, the world’s leading authority on Brewdog, told me that the company hates trans individuals.


No Label is a postmodern, postgender non-binary brew; the world’s first beer made with transgender hops.

Brewed with whole hop bines that have spontaneously changed from female to male, no label goes its own way. The base style, Kölsch, blurs the boundaries between lager and ale, drawing comparisons to “non-binary” individuals who class themselves as neither exclusively male nor female.

No Label balances a light, biscuity dryness from the malt base with delicate hints of fruity esters gifted by the fermentation. Finally, dry-hopping adds a layer of new world tropical & pine flavours that add a unique twist to this classic Kölsch style beer.

A portion of the sales of this beer will be donated to LGBTQI+ events organisers Queerest of the Queer.


even the nazis denied the holocaust occurred.

‘Postmodern’ beer. What a load of young person, trendy, marketing shite.

We have brewdog imported to a bar in Waterloo and all the ‘craft’ beer university kids love it. It’s just tasty beer to me, nothing different to what you would expect from any good pub back home, but apparently flavour here is cool and trendy.

Originally posted by @ant

Well, this can’t be right - Fatso, the world’s leading authority on Brewdog, told me that the company hates trans individuals.


No Label is a postmodern, postgender non-binary brew; the world’s first beer made with transgender hops.

Brewed with whole hop bines that have spontaneously changed from female to male, no label goes its own way. The base style, Kölsch, blurs the boundaries between lager and ale, drawing comparisons to “non-binary” individuals who class themselves as neither exclusively male nor female.

No Label balances a light, biscuity dryness from the malt base with delicate hints of fruity esters gifted by the fermentation. Finally, dry-hopping adds a layer of new world tropical & pine flavours that add a unique twist to this classic Kölsch style beer.

A portion of the sales of this beer will be donated to LGBTQI+ events organisers Queerest of the Queer.

Yeah, another marketing campaign is hardly an apology.

I’d agree if Brewdog weren’t long-term supporters of choice and diversity.

E.g. Taking a stab at Putin on his views about homosexuals.

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From the Brewdog website:

‘Our amazing staff are knowledgeable and passionately evangelical…’

You just know that would do your fucking head in. Like a TGI Friday’s for beer. Eugh.

Not sure I really understand what you’re saying but I guess you don’t like their beer? Can’t see any parallel with TGI but anyhoo…

I’ve become a convert to BrewDog’s Punk IPA.

Absolutely lovely. Complex flavour and at 5.6% it’s plenty strong enough.

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It’s just about sessionable and a very good go-to beer. I’m glad that most places stock it now as it offers a good backup in case of a bar otherwise only selling fizzy yellow water.

If you’re enjoying it that much, Bletch, I’d be happy to recommend an exploratory path through some of the more experimental (and extreme) UK craft brews.


So is this now being served from the pump?

Fuck you dog.


That’s cheap!

But they make good “craft” beer though- so @saintbletch keeps telling us (as per @Fatso previously about @ant I have my concerns that he is a major shareholder/ employee)