Male circumsision yes or no and have you been ripped off

so the poll is have you been circumcised yes or no,

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Barbaric practice if ever there was one.


No but after some of the girls I have been with I wish I had :lou_lol:

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Did they have sharp teeth?

The Americans do it for hygiene reasons. Can’t understand that because you still need to wash it once in a while! It is supposed to lessen the chance of passing on something nasty to your partner. Bizarre. If it wasn’t a part of the grand design it wouldn’t be there. Save Our Schmucks!

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It’s not so much sharp as the way they used them.

I was understanding that it needed to be washed at least once a day inside and out and just prior to any sexual interaction which has never been a problem.

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I tuck my balls between my legs and pretend to be a lady

I tuck Fatso’s balls between my legs and pretend he’s a lady.


I still walk around with my hood up.

It’s mine and I shall lather it up as quickly and as often as I like!


How do you circumcise a whale?

Send down four skin divers.

That’s not really much of an explanation. What do these skin divers then do? What’s the mechanics involved? And are whales really being circumcised? Why?


To answer in order:


angle grinders


shits and giggles

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Well! You learn something new everyday.

I am not sure I’ll be able to look any of you in the eye if I meet you after this thread.



Not pluralising ‘eye’ leaves that wide open to childish innuendo. Fortunately I’ve used my childish innuendo quota for this month.


Saw through me there.

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Maybe you could start a “Ladies of Sotonians have you been pierced in your delicate parts?” thread.



It was the pleading please that got the upvote @btripz


Yeah right @philippinesaint , we’ll believe you…