:labour: New Old Labour in trouble

He wrote a fucking book about him!

I’d like to dispense some belated cred to @bathsaint , who PM’ed me earlier to determine which thread I’d posted the QC image on. Suspecting a troll attempt, I’m nothing if not helpful.

I’m glad I helped out.

Turns out I facilitated p’raps the worst trolling attempt in my long forum life.

I can see it from Bath’s perspective. The fact that he had to ask me where the image was, and I helped, probably made him blinder to the danger.

“I’m going to troll pap! And that little fucker is going to help me!”

What actually happened is that we got an ostensibly intelligent chap taking the word of a proven liar and Cameron biographer as:-

a) fucking gospel
b) relevant to Jeremy Corbyn’s quality as a leader

It’s backfired so badly that I have to ask.

Bath. Are you a Blairite Labour MP?

Hi ‘Call me humble’ Pap

nope, not trolling, just reporting on an interview I heard on the radio, that’s all.


I heard the same interview in my car while rolling through the Forest.

“Why is this on the news?”, was the first question I asked, not knowing who the fuck Dylan Jones was (save the editor of GQ). Very much enjoyed the subsequent coverage. Who doesn’t love seeing Tory liars caught bang to rights?

I’ve just read the Huffpost article about him.


[edit: can’t seem to post the link on my phone]

he seemed to be simply reporting what his chaps at GQ had told him. Of course, there are a load of Papsters trying to read some sort of conspiracy into it but I don’t really see any evidence of that. Is what he said untrue?

He is a non-believer and must be discredited.

Stone the heretic.

Dylan Jones lied about his personal impressions of Corbyn while not actually being there.

He wrote a fluff piece on Cameron to help get him elected.

There’s a _fair _chance he _might _not be neutral on Corbyn. Have a listen to the caricature of the confused old geriatric being pointed to the next soundbite he paints. I’ve seen the bloke in person a couple of times. Young Adult #1 met him at a Labour youth conference.

Neither of us came away with that impression.

Dylan Jones invented his, so I guess in his own mind, he could be correct.

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Tricky these electoral finance rules, aren’t they.

I miss @chertsey-saint :lou_sad:

He had a lot more tenacity than me for this kind of thing. I might lob the odd thing into the mix but then i get bored and go and scratch my balls or something


Good luck with that. My experience of campaigning was individuals spending their own money to do the right thing.

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Have the “owners” changed @chertsey-saint 's avatar??

Nah, he logged on.

Perhaps he’s like Beetlejuice.

One more go then, @chertsey-saint

Does Cherts still post on fiverweb? Anyone know if he’s alive?

he upvoted someone on here maybe a week or 2 ago, fucking lurker, lurking about all lurkery.

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He didn’t upvote me the the miserable sod. He can rot in purgatory or lurkery until he does…

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Brexit thread?


No one really leaves… they are just absored into the forum collective conciousness…


What like a hive mind, made up of the workers i.e. Those who can be arsed to post; the drones i.e. The lurkers who can’t be arsed to post & all presided over by a queen (for want of a better word) who is courted by a small number of potential “king bees” who want to inseminate the queen?