:labour: New Old Labour in trouble

He’s on a cover that says “50 best dressed men”.

Imagine saying that just 7 days ago :lou_lol:


Tbf I’d turn straight to the article"How to make $1bn from tequila"

He was on ‘John Bishop in conversation with’ during the week, Just him chatting about his life, he came across very well. Reasonable, thoughtful, amusing, didn’t dodge potentially awkward questions, ie, anti-semitism in the party etc. He really has got the hang of appearing on the media now. He looked and sounded, dare i say it, Prime Ministerial. What really came across was his basic decency. He is light years ahead of May and co in the human being stakes.



That debate is probably first thing in the morning. the labour MPs are emulating the students

You’re just far too reasonable…

TBF, it was probably getting close to the end of the month and there were expenses to claim.


So that shows 2 mps who showed up but where’s the photo of the government side?

When I went to the house of commons one evening, in the lords there were about 7 debating something fairly tediuos.


Mr De Costa is a UKIP member in Newham. That must be fun in that very multicultural area.

Anyway. I thought I’d check Hansard for that debate. It would appear to be this one? Quite a niche discussion about school exchanges under 18 years old and doesn’t appear to be over 18 students.


Looks like 2 Labour, 2 Conservatives and 1 Lib Dem.


He does look very statesmanlike in that picture - they did a good job. But did anyone hear the interview with the Editor of the magazine on the Today programme on Friday? It is rather amusing and, perhaps, rather revealing. I don’t think this guy has any axe to grind.

I liked the line “he was being pushed around a grandpa for the family Christmas photographs”. :lou_lol:

GQ editor Dylan Jones criticises cover star Jeremy Corbyn

Fake news im afraid. Dylan jones was not present at the shoot.


FFS he’s been Photoshopped…he’s got skin like a 6 month baby’s arse. :lou_facepalm_2:

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Does anyone have infos regarding “How to make $1 billion dollar from tequila”? I could use £1 billion dollar right now srs.

I’d advise spending as much time researching your stories as you do finding images :lou_sunglasses:

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According to this all you need is a tequila company worth $1 billion dollars. HTHAIPW.

Did I read somewhere that the editor is matey with Cameron?


He wrote a fucking book about him!

I’d like to dispense some belated cred to @bathsaint , who PM’ed me earlier to determine which thread I’d posted the QC image on. Suspecting a troll attempt, I’m nothing if not helpful.

I’m glad I helped out.

Turns out I facilitated p’raps the worst trolling attempt in my long forum life.

I can see it from Bath’s perspective. The fact that he had to ask me where the image was, and I helped, probably made him blinder to the danger.

“I’m going to troll pap! And that little fucker is going to help me!”

What actually happened is that we got an ostensibly intelligent chap taking the word of a proven liar and Cameron biographer as:-

a) fucking gospel
b) relevant to Jeremy Corbyn’s quality as a leader

It’s backfired so badly that I have to ask.

Bath. Are you a Blairite Labour MP?

Hi ‘Call me humble’ Pap

nope, not trolling, just reporting on an interview I heard on the radio, that’s all.


I heard the same interview in my car while rolling through the Forest.

“Why is this on the news?”, was the first question I asked, not knowing who the fuck Dylan Jones was (save the editor of GQ). Very much enjoyed the subsequent coverage. Who doesn’t love seeing Tory liars caught bang to rights?