Good thread idea, Redslo. I’m all for this place being part of the wider Saints community. Thanks for giving us an opportunity to explore it.
Yeah, good thread Redslo,
I think Optimus trousers could be encouraged to check regularly for new posts on that list (without sucking any content).
Hmmmm, maybe keep the OP udated with any new aditions, and possibly have some kind of rating system where us common folk can vote them some stars? Just thinking out loud.
fk u redslo! I shan’t forget this pointed & aggresive SNUB!
yankee cunt.
Can we have a poll on how much Redslo is a cunt?
BTW…Calling another guy a cunt is 300 to the power of a kazillion times worse in the US than doing it to an English guy.
Trust me, I know from experience. I still have to apologise to my son in law every time I speak a sentence with the letter C in it…And he WAS being a total cunt when I called him one.
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ok soz i didn’t know that, maybe I overshot, Redslo is just a BUTTHEAD or whatever then.
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This only makes sense to me if Bearsy has a blog of which I am unaware. If so, could someone post a link to it. If not, could someone explain this humor to me.
Oh Jebus! What have you done! Redslo might never be the same after reading that!
Bearsy clearly knows how to use blogspot’s formating tools to create a blog that is much more pleasing to the eye than mine. Good work Bearsy.
Oh, come on Redslo!! It’s a bit more than formatting. Bearsy also offers little known facts sush as…
"Do you ever wonder how people come to have surnames? It’s quite simple: you get it from your dad. If your father owns a coffee shop, then your surname is Costa; if he had a breakdown, and got done for flashing, your surname is Hazard. If you are born a bastard, and your mother is so slack she can only remember your father’s first name, then his first name, becomes your last.
John Terry is the captain of Chelsea Football Club
The content of Bearsy’s blog had the rare effect ov leaving me speechless so I just remarked on the appearance of the blog.
Bearsy’s blogs are blogs…They are just a little different. 
I’m reposting this a bit like a retweet, because I thought a like wasn’t sufficient to describe how much I laughed at it.
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Well, officer. When the flasher opened his overcoat, I expected to see a penis. I was prepared for that…But what I saw was much stranger, much more disturbing. .I just can’t process it… Now I somehow wish it was just a penis. At least I know what to do with a penis.
where’s my Just Added: Bearsy ffs? It’s like ur just trying to slip me in quietly, like ur ashamed of me!