Strap on for Miley

Back in the '90s, Bill Hicks boasted that he’d just landed his own network TV show. Explaining to network execs that yes, there would be titty, they greenlighted a show called Let’s Hunt and Kill Billy Ray Cyrus.

Mr Hicks was jesting of course. No such network offer existed, but starting to think the world may have been done a favour if it had.

Super parenting skills, Billy Ray. You’ve let ruthless marketing cunts take control of your daughter’s dignity to capitalise on a transitional audience from Hannah Montana.

Last days of Rome, people.


Looks like a normal tuesday night in to me.


Hear, hear, pap.

But I’m not sure you should have a go at hermaphrodites.

I’m sure she’s had her hands full being born with a body like that.

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She needs to get one of her bollocks looked at.


Maybe we are misunderstanding her and she is merely using her fame to highlight the need to check your bollocks regularly for lumps and bumps that are most likely benign, but could be testicular cancer? You see over at the Gay Abandon towers we like to see the best in people, no matter how naive that makes us appear.

All hail Miley for being willing to lose all dignity in the name of bollock cancer and ribbed knob syndrome

I am sure I have eaten an icecream like that. But seriously. WTF?

Think she looks pretty good tbh + bros like pap who assume she is mere hand puppet for controlling marketing overlords need to chk priviledge + learn to recognise a Powerful, Independent Young Woman when they is see one, because this is what all modern women look like now pls grlpwr


Just for SOG

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I don’t really understand how assuming male characteristics and sexuality is supposed to empower women. I guess i’m not really qualified to comment on that though, being neither a great connoseiur of gender politics or sexuality. I mostly just like Football Manager and napping.


Those who have a serious need for attention have been pushing back the boundaries for years. I find this really sad. Where does she go next? Giving head on stage? Is this empowering her or is she being manipulated? Sadly I cannot unsee this image now but it has really fecked up my Sunday morning.

Why take it as gender politics or girl power or whatever? Why not just it as an individual in this world doing whatever they want, and you as an individual in this world, responding in whatever way you want.

I suspect she just likes shocking people, and she won’t be the first male or female to be like that. There’s certainly nothing offensive about the image as a stand alone piece. Wider conversations around manipulation, only she can answer. Societal concerns around sexualisation of children, I can understand, but you can’t put that on her head. She’s just an individual making her own right or wrong decisions as she trundles through life.

My only observation is that this is a thread with a photo of a semi naked women, and a bunch of blokes tut tutting…

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tut, tut, tut…

That wasn’t a ‘tut’ noise you could here Lou :lou_wink:


But is it Art?

I am shocked at the amount of shock I have. Shocking.

I haven’t got a problem with her actions, as you said she’s just doing what she wants. I just personally don’t see how it can be empowering to women (which she’s said she’s trying to be) but I can’t pretend to be an expert on the subject. All for her right to shock people and get stuck into her art which is great, but i’m just personally not sure how it impacts on a wider scale other than a bit of performance…

Fair play, Mikey. I suppose you could argue someone doing something that traditionally people would think inappropriate for them do, could be argued as empowering. Though I have no idea whether or not that’s what she meant by it, and I have zero desire to find out, given I’m no fan.

The photo is quite funny though.

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You are outrageous, GB !

Ps. GB, you need to refresh to get the new emoticons! The new wink is live! :lou_wink_2: