🇸🇾 Syria

Would have been nice of the Beeb to credit RT as they’ve been banging on about this for ages.


You would hope that your tax is being spent wisely. Maybe on the NHS, schooling or something eh?


Let’s not forget that Priti Patel had _agreed _to _fund _the _Israeli Defence Force _in occupied terrority, not least because it makes this easier to swallow.

I guess one man’s extremist’ is another man’s freedom fighter. Personally I think we tend to forget that when it comes to Israel in the occupied territories but the mainstream media doesn’t like to put it that way.

Yep about covers it

Particularly the last line

That article mentions nothing of Russia being in Syria at the request of the legitimate Syrian Government.

Nor of the Western (UK/US/EU) support for terrorist (read moderate) opposition groups.

It mentions the Russian/Assad bombing of Idlib but does not say that it was US forces which supervised the withdrawal of Nusra Front/Al Quaida fighters from Aleppo and elsewhere to Idlib. There is no mention of regime change which is what it’s about.

Which, considering it is from the usually Left leaning Grauniad is odd.

But the final line is still much pretty much the case.

Other tales emerging now from Tunisia about how Regime Change there is failing the population and protests are again spreading.

All around the same time I’ve been asked to prepare a synopsis for a Paper at a high end Academic Uni conference in EU later in the year about conflict. me? Academic? I can’t even use a spell checker properly

And the cluster fvck continues

How the US has managed to end up on the other side of one of their most important allies :lou_facepalm_2:

I have just been reading an account (by Robert Fisk) of the suffering of civilians (and particularly children with various cancers caused by the use of depleted unranium shells) in Iraq.

It paints a pretty bleak picture of how the US and allies sacrificed innocents to promote regime change.

I’ll pop a review in the What are you reading thread sometime but in the meantime, whilst reading about today’s ‘self-defence’ US bombing raid in Syria, I came across this:


Personally I just call them deluded murderers. Works for me every time.

Can we include Western governments and the terrorist state(Israel) in that description? These people were small scale, but our western (and terrorist) governments, like the beatles, dealt in millions.

We are the ones that starve and burn innocent women and children on an industrial scale and have been doing since we discovered what they have and we desperately need, to keep our unsustainable, ecosystem destroying lives, in the deluded bubble we presently live in. Syria(all for a pipeline) and Yemen are hideous cases, but then look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya(what was the real reason behind that one?), Palestine(what’s left) and particularly for me, Gaza(what’s abundant just off the coast line?).

The whole western system is a lesson in total addiction to murder and destruction(as long as it’s not on our doorstep), so addictive that we can’t even start to think about the change(scientifically proven beyond doubt) that’s coming whether we like it or not, so we keep on burning women, children and life itself, all because we like the easy life and are too conceited to admit what’s inevitably coming to our own doorstep.


Indeed. Just study the Gulf war (the real Gulf war, the one between Iraq and Iran 80-89 ish).

A war in which the US + alllies supported Saddam against Iran. Sold him billions of dollars/pounds of weapons…

A war in which Saddam invaded Iran. Used chemicals (bought from Germany) against Iranians . Flew French Mirage jets targetted by US battlefield satellite intelligence.

We have no moral high ground in the middle east or anywhere else.


Go back 100 years even and what do you find? The Sykes-Picot Agreement.

We are insatiable in our desire for energy, at whatever the self destructive cost.

Or earlier to 1908 when BP was born as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company.

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Haven’t checked this thread for a while, what a great interview that is. So refreshing at last to see someone, on the MSM, cutting right through the bullshit propaganda and brainwashing that has been going on over the past few years of the Syrian conflict. It is being significantly ramped up at the moment, with the ongoing siege in Eastern Ghouta. To a man the MSM are following the US/UK line, studiously ignoring the inconvenient truth that the ‘Opposition’ they are all wringing their hands over are Islamic Jihadist Al Qaeda terrorists, made up of fighters from, at the last count, over 80 different countries. Civil war my arse. This mixed bag of insurgents have been shelling civilians in the, government held, rest of Damascus, on a daily basis for years now, no nation on earth would put up with that. The civilians in Eastern Ghouta are effectively hostages to headchopping jihadist nutters from all over the world, who are occupying a city in a sovereign, secular country. Headchopping jihadist nutters who the US and UK have been recruiting, training, arming and supplying. All of this is studiously ignored in any debate on the crisis on the MSM. A classic example just this lunchtime on the BBC. An interview with a UN guy who had gone in with the aid convoy yesterday. He said many people they met on the streets pleaded to be rescued, but ‘rebel’ soldiers and particularly snipers made it impossible. “Thank you very much” said the presenter hurriedly moving on. Minutes later he was repeating the accepted line that the World condemned Russia and Syria for not rescuing civilians. So much for the Beeb being an impartial conduit of news. Of course what is happening to the civilians in Eastern Ghouta is awful, it just doesn’t bear thinking about. But what would be infinitely worse is if the US and NATO sponsored headchoppers are allowed to win. The only swift end to this conflict is for the legitimate government forces to defeat the illegitimate jihadist insurgents and take back control from them. In the long run it would limit civilian casualties. Let the legitimate Syrian army finish off the terrorists as quickly as possible. But of course this is not in Western interest so they will do their damnedest to frustrate this outcome. They won’t be happy until Syria has decended into chaos, broken and ungovernable like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Yemen. This has been the American/Israeli strategy all over the Middle East for decades because they want to reduce any likelihood of support for Iran when that country is attacked.


Good post @nottarf-krap

You’d hope that the media would be reporting impartially, but I guess that might uncover an inconvenient truth or two, not least that Russia may not be the bad guys after all…

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It’s annoying as fuck to be:-

  1. A savvy Sotonian
  2. Anywhere near current affairs coverage

Due to the increased “coverage” of Syria on the news at the moment, Radio4 is getting switched off within minutes. I’ve often said I only listen to hear which lies they tell. It gets difficult to do that after prolonged exposure, when the whole edifice is built on a platform of fucking lies, and the context they’re providing today is a lie they told two years ago.