The Bazford English Dictionary

Sotonians is an educational experience. We benefit from a range of intelligent and articulate views, which serve to inform those who read us.

Our demographic skews smart, so we’re comfy with big words in the main. Some folk just operate on a level that my poor brain can’t keep up with, though. None more so than @barry-sanchez .

I thought I had reading in the bag. I thought it was done. “No more training do you require”, as Master Yoda might say. Bazza challenges that assumption. He introduces words that I’ve seen before, but don’t know what he means when he uses them. This thread aims to dispel some of the mystery, with our Barry’s help.

The first entry I would like to cover is snowflake.

Now, Barry, what do you mean by this? Is it:-

A term used to describe extremist liberals that get offended by every statement and/or belief that doesn’t exactly match their own. These individuals think they are just as “unique” as snowflakes, when really their feelings are just as fragile.


A snowflake was a person who was opposed to the abolition of slavery. They were called snowflakes because it said they valued white people over black people.


So he is either calling you fannies or racists.

Or calling us whatever the Alt Right tells him to call us :lou_sunglasses:


Burger King’s finest cholesterol fuelled weapon of choice for inflicting adverse cardiac events in the over 40s, or excessive BMI in children and aduts alike?.. or

A really big fish


Perhaps we should have a whip-round to buy Baz a barrow load of this stuff

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I kind of have handle on what Snowflake means, but I am wonder why. I mean, why Snowflake? What is the etymology?

Is it cos snowflake is melt away when things get too hot, or is it more that Snowflakes think they’re unique+special, or is it cos when you get a load of snowflakes together you can get a damaging & destructive avalanche covering Everything? Or is there some other aspect I have not thought of?


Could a “snowflake” be a racist liberal…or even a liberal racist…or a cold fanny…or an ageist name for silver-haired old folk with funny ideas?

Confused. :lou_sad:

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I feel like I had a flake bar one time but it was a white chocolate one and it was called a Snowflake, but I ain’t seen one for years. I wonder if they got rid of them cos of confusion with ppl who are pro-slavery.

Says the man saying alt right…

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Liberal fascism, a real term I introduced the learned members on here last week, it took them 2 years to grasp extreme left so this taking hold and being accepted may be swimming against the tide. Liberals are good at being enraged but not much else.

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There is no place in confectionary for “white-washing” chocolate bars.

Nope…still confused.

Whether you like it or not, most of your threads are Alt Right hot topics.

In point of fact, now I think about it, I feel like it was white chocolate in the middle but brown chocolate on the outside. More akin I suppose to someone doing a blackface, or when Hollywood gets Jude Law to play Martin Luther King in a biopic, or something.


Where would I get these hot topics from? The media I’d say, the BBC and the Manchester guardian are well known for pushing their far right agenda through their outlets…

I like to approach snowflakes with a lolling tongue in order to give them a damned fine licking.

Even if I make them feel unique and special they soon fuck off. :lou_sad:

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Is that when you are frollicking in the fields GB?

Your mates on Twitter. You’ve referred to them before.

Have I now? And how many times in your opinion have I quoted “my mates” on twitter?

I googled Barry Sanchez quoting his mates from twitter, and got 1.2m hits.