šŸ˜ƒ The Little Pleasures of Everyday Life

Of course itā€™s worse than child birth.

Ask yourself how many times you have heard a man say ā€œwouldnā€™t it be nice to have another cold?ā€


Que the classic sketchā€¦

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Not everyday sadly but today I got half of my retention bonus.

Have some respect @pap , thatā€™s the Holes Bay that is, itā€™s not a lake!!

Did you notice the reduced 50mph speed limit around the bay? That was because twats in their Subaru Imprezzas (are they still a fashion item) decided to leave the road on more than one occasion. Obviously the gently curving roads are too much for an Imprezza doing 100mph!!

Why only half @intiniki did you submit a resignation letter?

We get 2 payments a year. One colleague resigned last week, another today. I donā€™t think my manager could cope if I did. Though I am applying for another job. Ahhh donā€™t tell him.


Fresh bread. home cooked ham. yummy cheese. home made pickled onions.

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Umm I will have some form of cooked pig today :lou_lol:

Working offshore in a Muslim country its on a par with alcohol and drugs in the things searched for when you fly to the unit


Your wife is an ex professional singer.

And you beat her to win Ā£100 beer voucher at Karaoke night

Ruby Ruby Rubyā€¦

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I didnā€™t know whether to put this in the little anoyances of every day life or here, But as it somedays has a happy ending it ended up here.

Whilst out sunbathing at lunchtime listening to music that could be anywhere from 1960ā€™s through 2015,

The sun is shining, feeling nice and relaxed a piece of music comes on which brings back a pleasent memory and an immediate erection rises.

Its annoying because you have to roll over which crushes everything. as having a boner on the bridge wing is not a normally an accepted thing when there are 150 men onboard and no women.

Happy ending will happen after I get back to my single man cabin. :lou_is_a_flirt:


I think that story belongs in the Too Much Information thread @philippinesaint , donā€™t you have any Handie men on board??


we have Mechanics, Electricians, Instrument techs but no Handie men

Discovering your notice period is 1 month and not the 2 you thought. Now just to find a new job.


Iā€™m Job Hunting too! Iā€™m feeling the Muster Of The Vultures in my current position! No-oneā€™s said anything yet, but I think theyā€™re starting to realise that I havenā€™t done any work for like 3 months. God knows how they found out! Iā€™ve been so careful! Hiding complaints, shirking responsibility, shredding important documents etc.

I actually had an interview on Friday for New Job. It was shameful how convincing I was. ā€œOh yes, Iā€™m a very hard worker! First to arrive in morning, last to leave at night! Never off sick!ā€ It all sounded so plausible! Thereā€™s something seriously wrong with me. If I put half as much effort into working as I do into pretending Iā€™m working, I would probably be President or something.

They didnā€™t suspect a thing though. Fkn Mugs! Iā€™m expecting an offer any moment now to join their exciting company & help with their ambitious growth plans. Poor bastards :lou_sad:


So, who is the next big fast food chain?


Iā€™d rather not mention in case they are Monitoring! But youā€™ll be able to figure it out in 6-9 months time when they go Bankrupt rip


And so it beginsā€¦

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Great minds think alike @gavstar , or is that fools seldom differ?

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