To ogle or not to ogle; that is the breast-ion. A-ha!

I have a question that is perplexing me

The other day I was on the bus vauging and looking out the window and we came to the stop where the uni students get on

So it is almost winter here but we were having some sun this day and a pretty young lass was getting on the bus. All normal, however, there was ample clevage on show. Now, whats a man supposed to do when there is good boobies on show but have a look but the lass, rightly or wrongly, adjusted her top (which didnt achieve much btf) and had a scolding look on her face

My question is, ala chicken or the egg, am I a perve for looking, or should there be some material coverage happening here?


Sunglasses are your friend.

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Hi Dave,

I can help you with this!

  1. Don’t call them titties

  2. Don’t ever think ‘Now what’s a man to do…’

  3. Don’t stare

  4. Don’t ever expect women to dress any way other than how they want

  5. Don’t make people feel uncomfortable

  6. There’s no harm glancing

  7. It’s just skin

  8. Be respectful

Hope that helps!

Lots of love,

Dr Lou, your ever helpful Agony Aunt.


Thanks Lou, good points and almost makes me think I am a perv

But to summarise…

If a woman wants to show their breasts, there is no harm glancing but dont stare?

So when does too much glancing become staring?

And if I feel Im not being disrespectul by appreciating their breasts, does a women just think if someone stares at their breasts they are simply being so?

Originally posted by @OzSaintDave

Originally posted by @Coxford_lou

Hi Dave,

I can help you with this!

  1. Don’t call them titties

  2. Don’t ever think ‘Now what’s a man to do…’

  3. Don’t stare

  4. Don’t ever expect women to dress any way other than how they want

  5. Don’t make people feel uncomfortable

  6. There’s no harm glancing

  7. It’s just skin

  8. Be respectful

Hope that helps!

Lots of love,

Dr Lou, your ever helpful Agony Aunt.

Thanks Lou, good points and almost makes me think I am a perv

But to summarise…

If a woman wants to show their breasts, there is no harm glancing but dont stare?

So when does too much glancing become staring?

And if I feel Im not being disrespectul by appreciating their breasts, does a women just think if someone stares at their breasts they are simply being so?

If you find yourself staring ‘one-handed’, then you’ve overstepped the mark, OSD.

Originally posted by @OzSaintDave

Thanks Lou, good points and almost makes me think I am a perv

But to summarise…

If a woman wants to show their breasts, there is no harm glancing but dont stare?

So when does too much glancing become staring?

And if I feel Im not being disrespectul by appreciating their breasts, does a women just think if someone stares at their breasts they are simply being so?

Dave, don’t think about it in terms of being a perv or not being a perv. The term is very loaded, and doesn’t really mean anything. Instead, think about it in terms of how you make the other person feel.

A women isn’t ‘showing her breasts’, she’s likely doing what is very natural on a hot day - wearing as little as possible, and she’s probably dressing in a way that makes her feel good. There’s a chance she might be dressing in a way to feel attractive among the opposite sex, but we have no way of knowing that.

When does too much glancing become staring - when it’s to the point you’ve made her aware of it and made her uncomfortable.

If you want to ‘appreciate breasts’ go visit a porn site. If you want to ask a girl out and tell her you think she’s beautiful, go have the balls to do that. Just don’t use random women to fulfil your staring needs…being stared at doesn’t ever feel like a compliment.

Not intending to give you a hard time, just putting a different perspective on things :slight_smile:

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Never in public Bletch but point taken

Lou…thats all good, I appreciate the other perspective as I dont want to come across as one but I must be putting it out there

If I was a fighting man Id say it was societies fault…what with the over sexualization of people and all…but I’ll man up and say its more me than anything

Oh and for the record Lou, tried asking a women out once BM (before marriage)…fell flat on my ass and didnt try again

Ce Sera Sera

Originally posted by @OzSaintDave

Oh and for the record Lou, tried asking a women out once BM (before marriage)…fell flat on my ass and didnt try again

Ce Sera Sera

And I’ve asked guys out and fallen flat on my face. That’s the way it goes. Probably why everyone wants to be married - to avoid having to do that ever again!

It was nothing personal, Lou.

It’s not you, it’s me.

I’m an ARSE man myself. Much better as you can generally PERV at lasses without them knowing. It’s a schoolboy error to glare at TITS when you are not wearing shades.

It’s weird how we have to stare at boobs & arses though, ain’t it? I could sit looking at them for hours, but what is the point really? What am I expecting to happen? It’s not like if you stare hard enough they pop out, tho it would be good if they did. It’s like i.e some kind of hypnotism or i.e. like my cat when he sees a sparrow in the garden. He doesn’t necessarily want to fuck the sparrow, but he seems to derive some small sexual pleasure from just looking at it.

What’s wrong with titties Lou? Why you hating on the tities? Rules like this cause a part of me to then break the rules just to annoy the person who set the rules, highlighting their lack of power in enforceing the rules, meaning they had no right to set the rules in the first place. e.g. I think you should wear something diffiernt Lou, as I was staring at your titties I noticed they were more than just skin. What’s a man to do?

I used to work with this girl who was very open when talking about sex. She readly admitted to checking out knob bumps while on the tube and stuff. Do you do this as well or was it just her?


yeah i do that too tokyos it’s prob quite common

You also check out knobs on the train?

yeah, i find on a busy tube sometimes you can even get a little feel if ur clever about it

Ignore Lou, OSD, I think there is something psychological or even physiological at play here. Or at least if there isn’t, that’s the male party-line we’re going to stick to.


Going back to caveman days, when we all liked Monkeys, Mickey Dolenz probably didn’t face his partner to make baby Monkeys.

It’s likely that all the way back then Mickey Dolenz had doggie-style sex.

Mrs. Bletch and I only use missionary positions with a clean linen sheet between us, but I’ve read about free-spirited and morally bereft individuals who carry on the tradition of The Monkeys.

The view (I imagine) the male would have, looking down in such a configuration would be of two curved buttocks. Now, I believe that this image is hard-wired into the retinas of (most) male children, such that when they see anything that looks remotely like two floury baps on a tray with a gap between them, an enormously old fashioned electrical switch gets thrown in their brains to prepare them for sex.

Thousands of years have passed since the times of Mickey Dolenz, and social engineering has re-routed those electrical contacts so that instead of immediately generating cock-current, they go through some sort of basic computing device that replays the words of Germaine Greer in our ears,

The result is that we no longer jump on anything that looks like buttocks, but instead we think about societal norms and what is expected of us before we act.

Then we usually go home, and make a post about it on an Internet forum whilst removing the urge with our other hand.

Don’t get me started on the use of lipstick to make female lips look more like female lips.


Not possible to post videos Pap? How am I meant to post videos about people’s dead mother’s breasts if I can’t post videos?

Edit: oh, it work. Well done Pap - 10 pap points.

Originally posted by @Tokyo-Saint

What’s wrong with titties Lou? Why you hating on the tities? Rules like this cause a part of me to then break the rules just to annoy the person who set the rules, highlighting their lack of power in enforceing the rules, meaning they had no right to set the rules in the first place. e.g. I think you should wear something diffiernt Lou, as I was staring at your titties I noticed they were more than just skin. What’s a man to do?

I used to work with this girl who was very open when talking about sex. She readly admitted to checking out knob bumps while on the tube and stuff. Do you do this as well or was it just her?

  1. Nothing wrong with them, Tokes, just the word sounds particularly juvenile.

  2. They weren’t rules, just advice

  3. If you announce in advance you’re trying to annoy someone, likelihood is it ain’t gonna work

  4. I too talk quite openly about sex, as you may have noticed

  5. Can’t say I’ve ever checked out knob bumps on the tube

  6. Hope that helps

Originally posted by @saintbletch

Originally posted by @Coxford_lou

And I’ve asked guys out and fallen flat on my face. That’s the way it goes. Probably why everyone wants to be married - to avoid having to do that ever again!

It was nothing personal, Lou.

It’s not you, it’s me.

Yeah, the way you turned up in the pub 15 minutes after I’d left then did the mock ‘where did everyone go’ thing. You think I don’t know what that was really about!! Bastard.


:laughing: We have all done that on Tinder.

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