:trumpdumb: Trumped!

Apparently Jong-un has called The Donster “old” and he has responded by saying that he would never call Jong-un “short and fat.” Good to know when the nukes are flying over head that the two who started WW3 have the mentality of pre-pubescent schoolboys.


He also says he’s a very good mediator too


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Clearly he is because he would never call someone like Jong-un short and fat, so well suited!

Interesting article.


This bloke makes up policy on the hoof it seems. Cunt

He seems to be running through the statutes list implimented in the Obama era and reversing them. Childlike.

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This is quite worrying for the US democratic process and has all the hallmarks of Bannon and his ideology.

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Along with an attempt to control all local news content.

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I’ve been told that I will probably be awarded Sotonians poster of the year. but I would have to agree…

And Andy Murray slams into Trump superbly.

But, in a priceless response, Time Magazine themselves get involved

In the fashion of the times, just before 8.30pm ET, Time tweeted back: “The president is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year. Time does not comment on our choice until publication, which is December 6.”

Time’s chief content officer, Alan Murray, put out a more strongly worded tweet, saying the president’s words were “amazing. Not a speck of truth here”

I’m sure if one of us lot had said it we’d have been arrested for racial profiling by now

:lou_facepalm_2: :lou_facepalm_2: :lou_facepalm_2:

What a fucking knob.

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Theresa May can’t bring herself to condemn Trump, her spokesman said that Trump was wrong to retweet the videos but his state visit will go ahead. Birds of a feather. The police will be getting plenty of overtime, there will be protests like never before. My hunch is that Trump will bottle out.


I’m not sure whether

a) Trump doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing
b) Trump knows **exactly ** what he is doing.

And I’m not sure what’s scarier either.


I would say he’s doing a horrifying combination of both, dipping in and out of option a) and b), and we’ll never know in which context or situation he’s doing them :lou_surprised:


He’s a cunt. She’s a cunt. Maybe they could have infertile cunt babies together.

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The problem is that you’d have a single generation of double cunts, raised by cunts, that can never have a legacy save how much of a cunt they’ve managed to be during their respective existences.

I just realised I can’t be too critical as this is how I approach my work.