What Do Muslims Really Think?

I finally sat down and watched this documentary last night as the Mrs was out. There is a good programme to be made on this subject…but this wasnt it. I found it loaded from the start and Trevor Phillips just came across as having one big agenda. How you can make assumption about 3 million people by talking to just 1081? I know the pollsters will come up with some guff to say it was representative but we all know how well they did on election night. And I loved the way that the figures were presented. 4% of all Muslims in Britain have sympathy for the terrorists. So even with my rudimenatary maths that means by their own figures that 96% (a rather large majority I would say) do not have sympathy with the terrorists. By asking whether people have “sympathy” you are not asking if Muslims agree with their actions or not. I have a certain amount of sympathy for people who are that deluded that they think it is a good idea to blow themselves and others to bits.

A guy they interviewed said he had no problem with homosexuals which was followed by an onerous voice over saying but 52% of Muslims in Britain think that it should be illegal. No, 562 out of 1081 people polled think it should be illegal. Just how representative were those 1081? A number of people have come out and said that the polls were conducted in areas where Muslims were highly concentrated, which are less likely to give you an indication of how Muslims who are more integrated would poll. So loaded from the start. If you go into any country and look into how well the ex pats integrate into their societies I would expect to find that some do and so dont quite as well. There are parts of Southern Spain that look like Southend on Sea.

They did say at one point that younger Muslims were more likely to have a more liberal attitude to homosexuality than older Muslims but it seems as if they shoe horned that in to make it look like they were being balanced. There was precious little balance elsewhere.

The actor they chose to play the part of a guy being interviewed by a pollster in a reconstruction looked like he had arrived from central casting to play a Muslim terrorist. Whether Islam has a greater problem with integration than others I wouldnt know, but I wouldnt say it has here just from the findings of this programme.


Originally posted by @Sadoldgit

562 out of 1081 (musloid) people polled think it (homosex) should be illegal.

whether you can extrapolate from that or not, it’s a pretty Poor Show In Itself imo RIP.

There was a report about this on my favourite radio programme, More or Less. Here is the episode (which I will also post in Fatso’s death [camp] thread). Listen from 9’ 36’’ for the discussion about the poll. The conclusion was that the poll was flawed but actually better than pretty much anything else out there.

I agree Bear, but I would imagine that depending where you ask the question you will get a % of non Muslims saying that they are against homosexuality still. There is stil ongoing homophobia here. It wasnt that long ago that it was illegal here and even when it was finally legalised it was still a no-no in the armed services into the 80s. Islam is playing catch up in some areas, no doubt. 3 million people, many of which are new to this country, not a huge demographic really. If you have recently left a country that is far less liberal than ours, it will take a while to catch up. Perhaps, instead of just looking at Muslims, they should have looked at a variety of migrant groups to see how they compare with Eastern Europeans of a different religion for example.When many West Indians arrived here in the 50s they origianlly grouped together and I imagine a poll then wouldnt have shown that they were integrating well. I used to live near Brixton and there were frequent white v black gang fights. It isnt such a big deal any more and in 10, 20 years time I would imagine that a poll would show better integration by Muslims,

No Doubt. We should maybe try and accellerate the process if we can tho. Maybe post sexy pictures of Zac Efron through their doors & give them free gym memberships. Things like that. Make them watch Mama Mia on DVD.


I guess pollsters will tell me otherwise, but I am not sure if talking to 0.04% as sample group tells you much about how 3 million people think, especially as they are looking at intergration but talking to people in heavily populated Muslim areas. Those who have “integrated” fully probably dont live in heavily populated Muslims areas so you are more likely to get a picture of how people think who arent so integrated.

But who are more representative of the Muslim population in the UK, those that have integrated or those that have not?

I googled cos I was interest, and found that the US electoral polls, which take survey of ave. 1000 people against 200 million population, were found to be accurate within 2% either way over the last 50 yrs. Which is pretty amazing when you think about it.

I think that if you are trying to get a balanced view you have to cast your net across a more disparte area. I dont think that you are going to get a balanced view taking such a small sample and taking it from an area heavily populated by Muslims. If you go to Portsmouth and ask them what they think of Saints fans you will get a response that will be very different to a response that was gathered from the same question asked around the country. 1081 out of 3 million and yet we are led to believe that the programme was representative of what Muslims in Britain think? Perhaps they should have called the programme what 0.04% of the the Muslim population of the UK thinks?

Maybe you want to spell “surplus” right when casting aspersions on the intelligence of an entire faith.


what an odd thing to say.


People who follow that religion to the letter have to be by default homohpobic, there are no two ways about it, same with most religions, we are too shit scared to combat it though,

The religion is homophoboc so in turn the people who adhere to it teachings and dogma are per se. They have to be.

if that’s the case, why is the question only being asked about Muslims? You say “the religion is homophobic” having just conceded that virtually all are.

I can’t be arsed to respond to the OP and idea that you can try and figure out “what Muslims think” because its a stupid and pointless thing to do. I can’t be arsed to explain why it’s a stupid and pointless thing to do because if it needs explaining, you probably wouldn’t understand anyway.

Because it hasn’t been asked before now, ask all then and you’ll be correct, all religions bar the CofE really are a bunch of homophobic racist inbreds, at least the CofE tries to be open and I applaud them for that at least.

We are too shit scared to tackle religious and cultural beliefs and people from these cultures and religions vote en masse for the same party so swing elections, look it up if you want to.

Democracy in this Country is fragile via the voting process.

Ah, but this is America we are talking about! :lou_wink:

Instead of dissing as thoughtless 3 million here and 1 billion world wide, perhaps you would like to share what your problem with Muslims is?

They appear to follow 1 book without deviation therefore not allowed to think.

So why, on a thread about Muslims is homophobia being discussed when, as you say, all religions are guilty of it? Why single this religion out and discuss the matter (not for the first time). What’s odd is that even though you say other religions are homophobic, no discussions are ever held about that. I don’t recall seeing any thread on any saints forum about homophobia in other religions. It just seems odd to me. Almost like people have an agenda and want to beat Muslims with some sort of stick.


Given that there appear to be many different interpretations of the words in that book, as there are with the Bible, I would say that quite a lot of thinking goes on, wouldnt you?

this is a lovely little table that shows what different religions make of homosexuality. Oooh they’ve made me cross. All of them. Bloody Buddhists in particular.
