šŸ—¼ What have we got to rival the Spinnaker Tower?

No in your ā€˜humbleā€™, it WAS a better night out. Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re using the present tense here.

I think Barryā€™s like herpes. Or Barry likes herpes. One of the two.

Youā€™re too much saying Southampton has a superclub ha ha fuck me dead.

Fuck meā€¦another Bazza thread Sotonians can be proud of. :lou_facepalm_2:

Iā€™ll probably regret resurrecting this one.

But just seen this.


It could have also gone in teh anyone been to new west quay bit as similar discussion was had there if I remember right.

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Its just a brand extension (20 other places as well were asked) and its still in the planning phase, lets see what comes of it, I laughed when he said Southampton has a vibrant club sceneā€¦

Went to Unity taproom last Saturday. Lush beer right in the microbrewery. Dead cool. They are doing an alternative christmas dinner on the 14th, pairing food with different beers.

Itā€™s not Derby though :lou_sad:


That is a blessing in disguise


Oh how I go green with jealously when I look at Derby.

No its a grey boring dull place, Southampton for its size is gash, breezer anyone over a bit of hardcore stepsā€¦

The population of Derby is 248k. The population of Southampton is 253k. So, they are basically the same in terms of size. The problem Southampton has is the nearby presence of London. London sucks the life out of the Home Counties and the South in general, all the way across to Bristol. When I was a kid I had a choice. A night out in Southampton/Pompey or a trip to London. If I could afford it, Iā€™d go to London.

But Britain is full of towns like Derby and Southampton. Just think Norwich, Milton Keynes, Swindon, etc, etc. Theyā€™re all a bit dull.

Anyway, Bazza, what are you complaining about. Yiou live near Liverpool and, in any case, youā€™re going out days are over for the next few years now you have a sprog.

True. but it doesnā€™t suck the life out of Brighton? Iā€™m spoilt in Liverpool but yes at 42 with 2 kids my best days are long behind me, I still give it a nudge now and again and feel it for 3 days, a few people I know run bars in the City, Liverpool really is light years beyond most UK ones for things to do, nights out, restaurants, hotels and culture.

Southampton canā€™t compete with the big boys but show some ambition, a bit like football really.

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:lou_facepalm_2: Tripz, are you deliberately goading Baz?

You, sirrah, offend me with your insinuation! Here, feel the virtual slap from my virtual gauntlet on your cheeks!

Pistols at dawn at the Sea City museum?


West Quay has an amazing maze now so suck that up Liverpool. <whereā€™s the single finger spin on it emoticon?>

4 likes? This is grieve of Diana proportionsā€¦So so Southampton.

I quite like the idea of some pissed up twat inadvertantly taking a wrong turn into the maze and spending the rest of the night trying to get out


Punters have already said its shit, this is code for success in Southampton so expect this along with the authentic German Christmas market to become a featureā€¦

Itā€™s a temporary installation bazza. There have been a few on the same site ( turfed for Wimbledon etc.). Have a visit next time you are down. I like it.