Asylum seekers made to wear coloured wristbands

I’ve seen this argument and the all-inclusive holiday one now. Sorry to you and bTripz, but they’re both tissue-thin and both bollocks.

When bTripz goes on his all inclusive holiday, or you went swimming, did either of you have a load of angry locals telling you to fuck off back to your own country, or in your case, fuck off and get out of the water?

If, in my younger years, I’d have drawn the parallels between my Fleming Park swimmers’ wristband and the Nazi sponsored yellow star, I’d have been a fuck load more nervous in the showers.


Well, I was making light of the matter.

I don’t see an issue with the wristband itself, although there are probably better ways to do this, like maybe an ID card of sorts but then how many will forget to bring the card.

I think it’s more an issue with the people that are abusing the immigrants because of the wristbands.

Saying that what is the difference between one of these bands and the charity bands that people wear?


Originally posted by @BTripz

Well, I was making light of the matter.

Apologies. I’ve seen people make the same argument on Facebook in all seriousness.

I don’t see an issue with the wristband itself, although there are probably better ways to do this, like maybe an ID card of sorts but then how many will forget to bring the card.

ID card is fine. That is the standard.

I think it’s more an issue with the people that are abusing the immigrants because of the wristbands.

Yeah, but standing in the immigrants’ shoes, that makes fuck all difference.

Saying that what is the difference between one of these bands and the charity bands that people wear?

Someone wearing a charity band can take it off and still expect a hot meal.


So was I. Wind yer neck in Pap.

I wish it was hats :lou_sad: It would be a lot more funny if it was multi-coloured hats. I’m thinking something in a tall & pointy, cone shape style. They could have different colours depending on i.e. ur asylum status.

This is a good idea Bear. The ones we let in should win white ones which they have to wear for a year. Like green ‘P’ plates for newly qualified drivers. Something like this?:


i like the mask idea cos the main problem is asylum bros don’t want ppl to know they are asylum bros, so if they have mask on no-one will know who they are. Or another idea i had, right, is if they make the asylum hats to be more like police helmets, cos then ppl who don’t like asylum bros wouldn’t know if the bro they are aboout to push down the stairs or whatever is an asylum bro, or i.e. a Police Man.

They should just have a bell. A small one, to keep in their pockets until they get to the queue and its harder to forget than an ID card. And it has the advantage of making the person bringing the 3 hot meals hurry up a bit.

I’ve got a tag on my ankle but you don’t hear me complaining


i went and bought one of them wristbands earlier to be solidarity, but I’ve been wearing it all day + no-one has pushed me down the stairs or anything, so it seems these reports are Grossly Exaggerated.

Have you been offered a nice hot meal yet?

You need to paint your door red too.

Originally posted by @Goatboy

Originally posted by @Bearsy

i went and bought one of them wristbands earlier to be solidarity, but I’ve been wearing it all day + no-one has pushed me down the stairs or anything, so it seems these reports are Grossly Exaggerated.

You need to paint your door red too.

With a red door the bear would be expecting paying casual gentlemen callers


Appreciate the humours bros… but in all seriousness, this is pretty fucking disgraceful as a message. IMHO its is just like the fucking Nazis - taking a section of the community,a vunerable one at that and marking them out different - is a fucking shameful idea.

And another thing - I also wish that the cuntish media would be more fucking repsonsible when they use terms - If I was not so cycnical and assume it was done deliberately, anyone would think that they lost all their dictionaries as they seem to be completely oblivious to the fact that:

Asylum Seekers




are in fact ALL FUCKING DIFFERENT. However, we should as a civilised and cultured nation, one that used to pride itself on being ‘Great’ understand that each has their problems and issues and deal with them calmly and maturely - rather than in a fucking dailymailed frenzy of premature ejaculative obnoxious cuntness.

End of daily rant - please now resume the humours bros


Oooh mr outraged daily mail, someone has not had a decent meal in a while. Lost your wristband?


PS… I seem to have adopted a couple of Bearsyisms… not sure how that occured… will do my best to stop it.

You see, in all seriousness, I can understand why the wristbands are used and I can understand the thinking behind it and it all seems eminently sensible.

It appears to me that it is the cuntish behaviour (thanks Gay) of a minority of idiots that have caused a problem not the wristbands themselves.

Saying that it is akin to the Yellow star though is a wee bit over the top.


If we view it dispassionately as a practical measure, then I would agree… however, because of two things it becomes pretty shameful - 1) the legacy of the last time a social group was forced to wear an emblem to differentiate them form the general poplation - and 2) the idiots who see this as an excuse to abuse these folk.

I just think we need to be much more careful and much more sensitive - simple ID card would sort it out… with the technology that exists today, I am probably one of the few that would not have an issue with an ID card for all…on which such things as access to services could be programed, finger print ID for bank access etc… Indeed… the government or whoever know exactly where you are whenever you use your phone or cash point card…they know your browsing habits and what you buy regularly on a weekly shop (no one seems to get all antsy bout fucking Tesco’s knowing personal details), credit history, etc etc… so why there is still a ‘civil liberty’ concern over a fricken ID card is beond me… but tht is another debate.