Asylum seekers made to wear coloured wristbands

While it isnt in the same league as the labels the dear old Nazis used to use, it does have a similar effect in that it singles out people at risk of abuse to be potetially abused. Same with the different colour doors. I expect that asylum seekers just want to be left alone to try and rebuild their lives and anything that single them out for abuse from the minority of morons isnt helpful.


Agreed - but where are your weigh in details SOG :lou_lol:

Originally posted by @Sadoldgit

While it isnt in the same league as the labels the dear old Nazis used to use, it does have a similar effect in that it singles out people at risk of abuse to be potetially abused. Same with the different colour doors. I expect that asylum seekers just want to be left alone to try and rebuild their lives and anything that single them out for abuse from the minority of morons isnt helpful.

I get where bTripz is coming from, but see it more seriously than he does. It’s all about precedent for me; the one set back in the 30s and what we’re prepared to do now. Once this sort of thing is in the door, people have other ideas which could exacerbate the problems.

I like the example from ancient history. No Roman army ever marched on Rome. It wasn’t the done thing, completely taboo and unthinkable. After Sulla does it once, it becomes a standard tool for taking control of the Empire. I am glad that the policy is being cancelled.

btw, I’m enjoying the stuff over at Saints Web with Batman. His inter-forum larceny was nothing short of unwitting genius. Who does he pick to make his point? One of the posters depicted in the turd graphic, saint68 of the UI. Thinks he’s the dogs bollocks intellectually. Keeps telling me that I’m stupid. Doesn’t know the difference between “of” and “off”. :lou_sunglasses:

You sure know how to pick 'em, Jamie.


I’m afriad it is the walk of shame for me this week. I had lost 1.4 kilos last Thursday but when I weighed myself yesterday morning I was back to where I started :lou_sad:

Just imagine you are Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush is whispering in your ear as the two of you are locked in embrace balanced on a backlit turntable - don’t give up

Originally posted by @pap

Originally posted by @Sadoldgit

While it isnt in the same league as the labels the dear old Nazis used to use, it does have a similar effect in that it singles out people at risk of abuse to be potetially abused. Same with the different colour doors. I expect that asylum seekers just want to be left alone to try and rebuild their lives and anything that single them out for abuse from the minority of morons isnt helpful.

I get where bTripz is coming from, but see it more seriously than he does. It’s all about precedent for me; the one set back in the 30s and what we’re prepared to do now. Once this sort of thing is in the door, people have other ideas which could exacerbate the problems.

I like the example from ancient history. No Roman army ever marched on Rome. It wasn’t the done thing, completely taboo and unthinkable. After Sulla does it once, it becomes a standard tool for taking control of the Empire. I am glad that the policy is being cancelled.

btw, I’m enjoying the stuff over at Saints Web with Batman. His inter-forum larceny was nothing short of unwitting genius. Who does he pick to make his point? One of the posters depicted in the turd graphic, saint68 of the UI. Thinks he’s the dogs bollocks intellectually. Keeps telling me that I’m stupid. Doesn’t know the difference between “of” and “off”. :lou_sunglasses:

You sure know how to pick 'em, Jamie.

He is the one person who I think actually aspires to his avatar. I can imagine him dressing up as Batman saving the inhabitants of Gotham City through his utterances on the internet. He is currently winning the war against those awful migrants by cutting and pasting articles from The Daily Mail onto a football forum thread. Bam! Pow! Take that you filthy migrants.


Kate Bush… always sounded like someone having their testicals being chewed off by rats whilst tied naked to a table… all the whooao whoooa bollox and dancing shite… I appreciate that many believe she was an iconic artist ahead of her time… but lets face it, just because something is different, innovative or ‘ground breaking’ does not necessarily make it good. It was shit then and it’s shit now. Everytime I hear her rancid rodent riddled scrotal munching tonsilser warbling, I become unhinged…

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Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

Originally posted by @Rallyboy

Just imagine you are Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush is whispering in your ear as the two of you are locked in embrace balanced on a backlit turntable - don’t give up

Kate Bush… always sounded like someone having their testicals being chewed off by rats whilst tied naked to a table… all the whooao whoooa bollox and dancing shite… I appreciate that many believe she was an iconic artist ahead of her time… but lets face it, just because something is different, innovative or ‘ground breaking’ does not necessarily make it good. It was shit then and it’s shit now. Everytime I hear her rancid rodent riddled scrotal munching tonsilser warbling, I become unhinged…

Dont sit on the fence, tell us what you really think! :lou_wink:

I remember someone (could have been Sinead Oconnor) saying how much she admired Kate for not shagging Peter Gabriel. Not that has anything to do with my weight of course!

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93.6 this morning! Sounds better :lou_sunglasses:

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See, the old rodent-voiced freak has helped you already.

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I agree. Seems to me that if one is looking for a comparison with the German persecution of the Jews, then they will find it, irrespective of how OTT it is.

Sorry if others disagree, but I suspect the red paint was a job lot of cheapo paint (as Bearsy says) and the wristband idea was just percieved as a minor form of ID for the provision of entitlement to food.

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I can see that it is probably gross ignorance rather than an agenda in these two cases.

But the ignorance in singling out people is beyond gross, so I hope those responsible are just thicker than pig shit rather than supporting the right wing agenda that applauds this type of labelling.

Let’s see if a pattern emerges or if it stops at this point.


As Rallyboy says above… one would hope so. I appreciate that it might appear OTT, but that is because we tend to view the yellow star with everything that came after, forgetting that it started with ‘simple’ boycotting of Jewish businesses etc… I am jsut uncomfortable with the idea when others exist that could achive the same aim, without ‘marking’ these folk as ‘different’ form their new local community.

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So who likes Kate Bush? :lou_angry:

Man up and tell us of your love for the squeeling boolock munching warbler

Just to add, last night, the compnay said they would stop using the wristbands and find some other way to organise the system.


Little victories for common sense go a long way :lou_smiley:

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I bloody love her.

My opinion of you, however, has tumbled somewhat.

Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

As Rallyboy says above… one would hope so. I appreciate that it might appear OTT, but that is because we tend to view the yellow star with everything that came after, forgetting that it started with ‘simple’ boycotting of Jewish businesses etc… I am jsut uncomfortable with the idea when others exist that could achive the same aim, **without ‘marking’ these folk as ‘different’ form their new local community. **

To be fair I don’t think it was ever intended as that but the cuntish behaviour of a minority prevailed and made it thus. Maybe this is a case of lessons learnt and the authorities will think a bit more in future! But then again…

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions”

It was wrong and poorly thought out but the mock shock indignation tribe will be loving it.