Attack on a German train

People have often asked me where I got my troublemaking traits from.

Between you and the old dear, I had no fucking hope did I? :lou_wink_2:


You had no chance at all. Being an old bastard I relate everything to pub conversations and this would be a relevant topic in a boozer. You donā€™t have to be particularly PC in a pub, just hold your ground and put across a valid point of view. Some will agree, some wonā€™t. However, some things need to be said without being labelled as a racist or fascist or some left wing equivalent.

Anyhow, nice to be back here. Tried getting in touch ā€˜par telephoniqueā€™ just to let you know that Iā€™ve had a liver transplant and Iā€™m doing very well, thank you for asking!


Super news about the transplant. Phone has been playing up for ages - Iā€™ve missed loads of calls - the ringer just doesnā€™t work. Iā€™ll be in touch via your archaic method of communication in due course :lou_wink:

The site has come a long way since you were last here in terms of freedom of speech. People say what the fuck they like with the expectation of being challenged :lou_sunglasses:

Youā€™re good. Besides, itā€™ll be funny when someone complains about me not condemning you.

ā€œIā€™m not his fucking dadā€¦ā€

Iā€™m not buying papā€™s excuses about his phone playing up tbh. Boot will be on other foot one day tho, when his kids is growed up, and start screening his calls. Oh ffs, what does he want now? I only spoke to him like a month ago! Fkn boring old bastard. Probably just wants to moan on about his liver again.


Meh, you donā€™t know the old man like I do. Heā€™s famously crap at keeping in regular contact. Heā€™s like Cato, preferring to jump out and surprise you. He is the first topic of conversation at half time between myself and my uncle. We ask each other if weā€™ve heard from him. The answer is no.

Iā€™m going to wait until heā€™s sat down the next time we have this conversation. :lou_sunglasses:

Yeah, Iā€™ve noticed the site has developed quite nicely. Obviously still lots of the same people and same ā€˜right onā€™ principles but you have to admire and respect those principles even though they sometimes come across as being entrenched. Bit like me, I suppose with my particular views on certain subjects.

As you know, I havenā€™t always been that way. Politically, I started out as a socialist being a fully paid up member of the Workers Revolutionary Party but the world moved on and it soon became clear that socialism without capitalism was not the way forward. Toryism just wouldnā€™t cut it, bunch of self-serving bastards!

Then I suppose cynicism took over as I got older and I became resentful of the ā€˜get something for doing fuck-allā€™ behaviour of certain members of society. This, I suppose manifested itself into resentment of factions that didnā€™t integrate into our way of life and here I am now, a closet racist. Who would have thought it all those years ago. The hopes and dreams of a generation wiped away by the political elite. Sold down the river!

Anyhow, we face fresh challenges and itā€™s really up to the young people to get to grips with it.


Whatā€™s involved in being a racist nowadays? Iā€™m a bit out of touch. Do you let them stay in your hotel? Would you sit next to one in the cinema? Are you allowed to call them names? i mean not necessarily to their face, but i.e. in the pub when there arenā€™t any of them about.

Or is it more you know, just a state of mind. Quietly being annoyed about things, voting right-wing, and tuttling quite loudly if someone is speaking foreign at the bus-stop.

This is why old fuckers shouldnā€™t be allowed to vote

There is a long list of people who shouldnā€™t vote

the Old - because they are too entrenched in their views

the Young - because they are too naive

The Unemployed - because they are not paying taxes

The uneducated - cos they are too thicK

The foreigners - because they werenā€™t born here

The prisoners - because they are naughty bastards (actually agree with this one)

The commies / trots - because they are barking

The tories - because they are mean

Ukippers - cos they are racist

Labourites - because they fuck it up every time they get their hands in the till

The greens - because they hug trees

Any one else?

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I think itā€™s all of those things Bearsy but mainly, I would say, not being willing to assimilate and integrate into our society. Of course you get the good ones ie those that speak English, those that do come into the pubs and those that work in the local and national interests, health workers for example. Then you get those that spout their Islamic shit at every occasion - go to the Bullring in Birmingham on any day of the week and youā€™ll see what I mean. Also you get the ones with stupid haircuts and slicked down greasy hair - that really does my head in - and burkas ā€¦ Come on, thatā€™s fucking medieval! I couldnā€™t give a shit about skin colour, itā€™s immaterial, but ideology and invasion of our country and subverting our culture and heritage is when I seethe inside. And to add insult to injury our politicians allow it to happen. How long before European nations start adding the star and crescent to their flags to show appeasement to Muslims in an effort to be PC?

The Skates are, again, the most forefrontedness at doing something!!

Originally posted by @unionhotel

I think itā€™s all of those things Bearsy but mainly, I would say, not being willing to assimilate and integrate into our society. Of course you get the good ones ie those that speak English, those that do come into the pubs and those that work in the local and national interests, health workers for example. Then you get those that spout their Islamic shit at every occasion - go to the Bullring in Birmingham on any day of the week and youā€™ll see what I mean. Also you get the ones with stupid haircuts and slicked down greasy hair - that really does my head in - and burkas ā€¦ Come on, thatā€™s fucking medieval! I couldnā€™t give a shit about skin colour, itā€™s immaterial, but ideology and invasion of our country and subverting our culture and heritage is when I seethe inside. And to add insult to injury our politicians allow it to happen. How long before European nations start adding the star and crescent to their flags to show appeasement to Muslims in an effort to be PC?

I have been to Bullring v.many times, but I donā€™t remember ever noticing anything particularly unusual. In future, I shall certainly be on the watch for Bad Ones. I donā€™t like to hate on the Bad Ones tho really, what I do tho, is when I see a Good One, I go up to them and shake their hand, and congratulate them on setting a Good Example. I sometimes give them a small badge to wear too. But when they walk off, I quietly wipe my hand on my trousers, because you canā€™t be too careful.

Fuck me. Who let you out?


Iā€™ve lost track. Is unionhotel Bazzaā€™s dad or something? Would account for a lot.

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Nah, heā€™s mine.

Catoā€™s back!!!

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Originally posted by @pap

Originally posted by @TheCholulaKid

Iā€™ve lost track. Is unionhotel Bazzaā€™s dad or something? Would account for a lot.

Nah, heā€™s mine.

Perversely, replace ā€˜Bazzaā€™ with ā€˜Papā€™ in my post and the point still remainsā€¦


Fuck meā€¦ I am away for a few days and suddenly we have threads that seem to have started in 1973ā€¦


Seems oddly appropriate :lou_sunglasses:


Itā€™s a real plus for this site that we can accept such posts. Well done us for allowing freedom of speech.

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